Sunday, August 31, 2008

Can truthers get any dumber?

One of the interesting features of Skypeland is that an interested user can come into contact with a wide variety of "truthers"; that is, people who believe 911 was an "inside job". After talking to many truthers, I have realized that many truthers complain constantly about the WMD fears that partly motivated the military action in Iraq. However, when I ask them what constitutes a Weapon of Mass Destruction, I find that almost none of them can give me an accurate definition. Wow. Can they get any dumber?

Friday, August 29, 2008

More evil from the USA

Skypeland is a perfect place to spread conspiracy theories. Some of the conspiracy theory proponents have even taken to threatening the skeptics and debunkers since they want Skypeland turf to themselves for promoting their theories. They thrive on the lack of information, and skeptics and debunkers provide contrary information, which they despise.

I heard that the US created the Tsunami in South East Asia. And that Hurricane Katrina was created by Russia.

Ah yes, how rational.

Born again

Some use Skypeland as a place to try to find converts to their particular set of beliefs, such as atheism, fundamental Christianity or Islam. This sort of evangelism usually does not work particularly well.

A young lady approached me to tell me that my approach to dealing with Skype users who were rude and would not engage in polite discourse was off-putting. I pointed out that the reason I get large audiences for my Skypecasts was that I entertain my audience. This includes "not suffering fools lightly". If people want to be treated with respect in my casts, they have to behave and engage in a discussion, allowing others to speak. They are not allowed to use my audience as an opportunity to lecture others for 5 minutes or 20 minutes or an hour, uninterrupted and unquestioned, while they spew all kinds of misinformation and nonsense. I used to be less confrontational, but my skypecasts then had many fewer participants. People like controversy and contention. It is that simple. Other formats are boring.

She started out by probing me extensively about my personal religious beliefs. I was polite for a long time, but she became more and more aggressive. She believed in biblical literalism of course, and knew nothing about the history of the bible or the Christian faith. She claimed that she knew what parts of the bible to take literally and what parts to take allegorically, but of course there have been massive disagreements about this very issue for centuries; it is not at all clear cut. She believed in the literal truth of Genesis and the first Creation account (but not the second), even though we have contrary evidence. However she knew that the 6 day, 24 hour creation was allegorical and did not need to be taken literally. She dismissed all the previous scholarship on the bible for thousands of years; she personally knew better. She explained away all apparent inconsistencies in the text. She said that all the statistical evidence that prayer and faith healing does not work is wrong because she knew better. She claimed that one can learn more about creation and the universe by studying the bible than from studying the universe directly. She claimed that the inconsistent other versions did not exist or ignored their existence. She had no response to all the scientific knowledge in disagreement with the bible. She claimed that the "born again" movement in the US based on a particular interpretation of an ambiguous short passage in the gospel of John was much older than a few decades old, which is patently false. Eventually she told me that since I am not "born again" I am going to hell. I told her that she was a bit of a hypocrite and quite offensive, and not even following the main commandment; "love thy neighbor as thyself". Threatening and attacking others really is not very Christian.

So I decided, she needed to be blocked. And so I blocked her.

Monday, August 25, 2008

An amazing conspiracy theory

Skypeland is a hotbed of conspiracy theories and one can hear a wide range of these theories. Today I ran into a man who repeated a long complicated description of how humans are being tricked and manipulated. He said he had a genius IQ "up in the 200s".

All humans are controlled by their capitalized names. Any contact with the government always uses your name in all capitals (i.e., majuscule), which has some supposedly nefarious purpose. Humans are supposedly at sea, with their actions governed by "Admiralty Maritime Law". This is proven by the fact that a "dock tor" delivers you when you are born. A ship sitting still is "at berth", which is why we use the term "birth" for a human's first entry into the world. We are a world of controlled beings, manipulated and controlled. You are not a living person but a third party transmitting utility, that is, a fictitious person, a strawman. We are controlled by the NWO or Jesuits or British Crown or Illuminati. Attorneys are not really working since they are called "attorneys in practice", so they are not real, they are just practicing. One has to be a dead person to go to court. All police stations are masonic law temples. The USA is a nonprofit religious corporation of the masons. The British Crown owns the USA and Canada. The Vatican owns the British Crown and the world. We know the world is an illusion and we are manipulated because law dictionaries do not give the same definitions as Webster's dictionary. A corporation is a group of dead people. The only place you should see capitalized letters is at grave site, since a capitalized name is a dead entity.

That is the difference between a signature and an autograph. An autograph is of the living, the real entity. The signature is of the dead, since it includes the word "sign", suggesting that a signature is fiction. At the bottom of a check there are no lines there is some writing that says "authorized signature. The reason for this is that we are manipulated by what we are told by the television, which is given that name since it means it is a "tell lie vision". Television programs are programming. Every single judge is a masonic priest.
Lawyers are the bar association which is the British accredited law organization. There are no living people left in the world. They cannot take you to a dead court if you put a copyright and trademark on your name.

The US people do not know the right flag of their country.
The US is a british colony. The US flies the admiralty flag.

History is "his story" because they make it up and it is all fake.

King James had the bible rewritten because he was a mason. The bible has been rewritten over 817 times (at least). His friend Francis Bacon rewrote the bible under the name of Shakespeare. King James was a known pedophile murderer and rapist. He then banned and burned all other bibles so his name could be on the bibles.

Congress is the opposite of progress. Look at the money. There is a
hidden mind and hidden eye at top of pyramid watching you all the time. Note that this not a human eye.

The person who has done all this research is Jordan Maxwell, who is the person who trained David Icke and brought him to the USA.

The elite worship Malick the stone owl at the Bohemian Grove. The proof of this is that Malick appears on the US one dollar bill. The reason to put Malick there is because owls see in the dark and are nocturnal.

The figure on top of the US capital building is the goddess of the underground.

The Matrix movie that came out is actually about something real. We are being clues about reality from this movie. Hollywood is called that since the magic wand was always created from the holly tree. Someone said they learned that in barber school.

A further proof that there is a huge conspiracy against us is that "9 times any other number is 9"

The word "understand" means to "stand under", so when you go to court and ask you if you understand, they are asking you to stand under.

Someone came up to agree with him and also disagree with him, and called him a scientist. He said he was an archaeologist since he was a hands on scientist. He said he was an archaeologist since he is into music.

Holy cow.


Here is a great summary of some weird conspiracy theories.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why the Koran is the only true Word of God

One can learn all kinds of great cultural and religious information in Skypeland. For example, today I learned that the written Koran is not really the word of God according to Muslims, since it must be recited to be the word of God. The written version is not really the word of God.

I was also told that the Koran is superior to all other purportedly holy books because the Koran does not describe women's breasts. Describing women's breasts is clearly pornographic and obviously God would never discuss women's breasts because God is disgusted by women's breasts. Since the Koran does not do this, it proves the Koran is the only true word of God. See? Very simple and rational, right?

Addendum: Someone pointed out to me that this is not even correct, since the Koran does mention women's breasts. For example, the passage that is taken as justifying the wearing of the hijab mentions covering women's breasts.

Lunacy revisted

One hears an amazing range of crazy views in some casts in Skypeland. For example, the other day I wandered into a room dealing with 911 and claiming that the CIA caused 911. Here is a sample of some of the views presented.

The Talmud is a modified fake version of the Torah, stating that only Jews are humans and all others are beasts. That is why Jews call gentiles "goyim" because "goyim" means "beasts". The Jews own 99.9 percent of the media. They control the USA. Al Jazeera started to criticize the Jews, so the Jews bombed the Al Jazeera headquarters in Afghanistan. Now Al Jazeera is funded by the Jews and controlled by the Jews. All of humanity is targeted by the Jews. Israel is behind every policy of the USA and there is no doubt about it. The people in the White House are all Jews. The lobbyists and leaders of huge companies are all Jews. Barak Obama is bowing to the Jews. Obama is bad because he wore the yalmulke. Obama promised to screw up everyone else besides the Jews.

Bin Laden is a CIA agent. Bin Laden is more wealthy than all of the United States combined.

When choosing between the two devils, McCain and Bin Laden, one must choose the lesser devil. George Bush is a mason like all other presidents, since they all belong to suspicious organizations like Skull and Bones. The USA wants to occupy Iran to use as a launching pad for attacking China and North Korea and Russia. The USA is the same as Hitler therefore.

The US started 911 to attack Muslims. This is proved because more Muslims have died since 911 then Americans died during 911. The World Trade Center had asbestos in it and it would have cost 1 billion dollars to remove this asbestos so it was cheaper to bring the World Trade Center down in a faked attack.

The Jews are behind all the evil on the earth. I asked what their evidence is, and they told me it is proven that the Jews hired Japan and Germany to attack the United States, and that the Jews hired the United States to attack Japan and Germany, so the Jews caused World War II. I asked what the evidence for this was, and I was told that George Bush's grandfather had owned a bank that financed companies in Germany. This bank had been seized by the US Government before World War II, and therefore this proved that the Jews had caused World War II. When I questioned this, I was met with a hail of angry curses and other assorted imprecations.

I asked one young muslim how he thought Islam should return to its "golden age" before the year 1100 when there was more tolerance in Muslim societies and many advances in mathematics, engineering, sciences and medicine in Islamic culture. This young muslim told me that the answer was to reject all learning besides the Koran and to be much more strict Muslims and to attack the infidels. Ah yes, very rational. No wonder they have problems.

The Federal Reserve was formed by 13 Jewish families and is a private company that forces the US government to pay money to get the Federal Reserve to print its currency.

The host tried to get me to give him 100 dollars to be permitted to speak in the room:

[11:25:15 AM] filll says: you wanted me back; i am back
[11:35:37 AM] b says: give me 100 doller to talk in my room
[11:36:09 AM] b says: :D
[11:36:43 AM] filll says: as always
[11:37:13 AM] b says: 8-)
[11:40:01 AM] b says: send me 100 doller in my credit skype
[11:40:05 AM] b says: :D
[11:40:06 AM] filll says: haha
[11:40:08 AM] filll says: whatever
[11:40:24 AM] filll says: You want to hear different opinions, that is your choice
[11:40:35 AM] filll says: if you want to hear only one opinion, that is your choice too
[11:42:37 AM] b says: send me 100 doller in my credit skype i need to call some one
[11:42:43 AM] b says: :D
[11:42:48 AM] filll says: you do whatever you want
[11:43:32 AM] b says: be cool
[11:43:44 AM] b says: send me 100 doller in my credit skype i need to call some one
[11:43:52 AM] b says: i relly need it
[11:45:09 AM] filll says: i wonder why that is
[11:45:24 AM] b says: that is 8- what

At this the host threw me out of the room. Ah yes, so rational!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

is it true that us pepole stupid

Sometimes in Skypeland one sees people making all kinds of points for the other side of a debate, unintentionally and inadvertantly. One prominent Muslim proponent has run a cast several times entitled "is it true that us pepole stupid". He invites people to "come and talk" and states that it is "me vs us".

However, he has had a lot of trouble running his Skypecasts, even with hours and hours of experience and repeated instruction. He still cannot understand that cast participants with their microphones turned off (i.e., the cast participants are in the "listening" area) cannot speak. This is explained to him, and he claims over and over and over that he is too tired to do it correctly. Then a day or two later, he makes the same mistakes, again and again. Ah yes, "us pepole stupid".

Taiwan is part of China?

One of the interesting features of Skypeland is the opportunity to sample opinions of people from all over the world. I was speaking to a friend from Japan who speaks Chinese and someone from Mainland China in Skypeland recently. The lady from Mainland China said repeatedly that Taiwan was part of China. I pointed out that historically, there were only short periods of time that Taiwan was part of China in the last 100 years, or in the last 1000 years or longer (The same is true of Vietnam, of course).

I noted that Taiwan was about 75 miles away from China, and so well outside internationally recognized Chinese waters. Many other islands which are part of Japan and South Korea are also about the same distance from China, so the proximity argument is quite weak. The residents of Taiwan are not anxious to reunite with China, having been involved in overt and covert warfare with Mainland China for decades and having a different economic and political philosophy. Language claims are also weak since Mandarin was only widespread after the Nationalists arrived in Taiwan in 1949, and many other Chinese speaking areas in Asia, the Americas and Europe are not sought by China. Legally, the Japanese surrendered the island of Taiwan to the Chinese Nationalists, not to the Chinese Communists in 1949. So on the issues of (1) history (2) legality (3) desires of people (4) language (5) proximity, the claims of Mainland China on Taiwan are quite weak. I said that Taiwan would probably object less to reunification with China if the Chinese political system was liberalized.

At this, the Chinese lady objected, claiming that China clearly had a democracy. I asked what nonCommunist Party leaders had been elected to lead China in the last 50 years, but of course she had no answer to this. She tried to justify Chinese designs on Taiwan by mentioning Koxinga. However, Koxinga had fled Mainland China to set up a separate regime in opposition to that on Mainland China, so this was a weak example. She had no response to this.

Recent polls show that as few as 5 or 6 percent of Taiwanese want to reunify with China quickly, at least as things currently stand. And apparently this number has been dropping as China becomes more belligerent and warlike about this matter, and even threatened violence if Taiwan announces its independence. In spite of Chinese threats of violence if Taiwan announces independence, more than 20 percent of all Taiwanese are in favor of a rapid declaration of independence.[1][2]

Monday, August 18, 2008

Native Americans are not a group

There are a wide range of flakes in Skypeland. Someone asked about the "Red Indians" and I started describing them as a "group of people", but I was cut off and interrupted before I could go further. What angered people most was my use of the word "group". I was attacked over and over for using the term "group".

I was indignantly told that Europeans were a "group" but native Americans are not a "group". I tried to point out that we do not use the term "Red Indians" since it has racist connotations. I was met with immense outrage and furious attacks by numerous others. I decided I would not bother to fight them. Every time I tried to explain I was met with a hail of criticism. Someone used the term "oriental" to refer to Asian people and I told them that was considered politically incorrect and people were even more incensed and angry at me. I just shut up and room descended into chaos with static, music and "hello people" shouting out "hello, hello, hello" over and over.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Al Qaeda nonsense

One of the advantages of visiting Skypeland is the chance to meet people from all over the world. A friend from Iraq described some examples of the kind of silliness that Al Qaeda sympathesizers were trying to impose on Iraq in the last few years. For example, people who were selling ice in Iraq were killed by Al Qaeda because ice was not available during the time of Mohammed. Barbers who used a string for hair removal (called "khite") instead of a razor were killed since the Al Qaeda people decided that using the string method was unIslamic (said to be "haraam"). Bakers who introduced new triangular bread instead of the round pita bread were killed for baking unIslamic bread. Jeans were forbidden. Any sandals or slippers that did not introduce a strap between the toes were forbidden. Anyone violating these restrictions would be attacked and possibly killed. Ah yes, they sure are a reasonable bunch, aren't they?

Shebana Rehman

Someone in Skypeland tipped me off to Shebana Rehman, a Norwegian comedian of Pakistani origin, who was raised as a Muslim. Shebana has been involved in one crazy stunt after another in an attempt to irritate fundamentalist Christians, extremist Muslims and other assorted uptight characters. For instance, she appeared nude on the cover of a Norwegian magazine painted like a Norwegian flag. She kissed a fundamentalist Christian conservative female government officer on camera, and then mooned the audience. She threatened to burn a koran. She picked up an accused Muslim terrorist, Mullah Krekar, and carried him around the stage during a debate, much to his irritation. Just like Wafa Sultan, Tissa Hami, and Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Rehman is a Muslim woman who has used the freedoms of the west to decry the brutal repressive environments that exist in Muslim societies. In all cases of course, there are countless death threats against these women. The religion of peace; yeah, right.

An excerpt from an interview and a tiny part of her stage act can be seen here.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ten years of study

Sometimes in Skypeland I do not even bother to argue with assorted "experts", but just encourage them to talk so I can record their teachings. I ran into a German lady that told us that the conflict between Russia and Georgia had been secretly caused by American oil companies who encouraged the Georgians to attack the Russians. I have never heard of such a claim, and told her what I had read about this being associated with a civil war in the area about 15 years ago, and she was amazed. At least she didn't try to tell me that the fight between Russians and Georgians was not between Russians and Georgians at all, but between groups of Jews instead, which I have heard numerous times in Skypeland.

The German lady told me that she had spent the last 10 years studying for many hours per day to understand how the world works. Her favorite resource was a website called "World Reports". She had discovered that holographic memory techniques were used to program human clones. Carter, Bush and Cheney are all clones, with the original people having been killed and replaced by the clones, programmed by lasers.

She told me her theories about life in the universe. She said that rocks and stones have the "first density". This "first density" is the "soul" of the rocks and stones. The rocks get reincarnated as animals, which also have a soul. This is called the "second density". These animals evolve and learn and experience earth. Pets like cats or dogs can be trained and have their minds opened by people talking to them so they are reincarnated as human beings. People have 50,000 reincarnations as a human, which is called the "3rd density". The 4th dimension or density is less physical. She told me that "there is duality there", and it is associated with two types of behavior. The good behavior is associated with the serving of others. The bad behavior is very selfish. We cant see the 4th dimension most often. She claims that the bad residents of the 4th dimension can eat us.

Acid in your body

There are reams of crazy ideas that one can encounter in Skypeland. I entered a room where a man was speaking about his diet theories. He said that healthy people's bodies are 90 percent alkaline and 10 percent acid. He said he sweats too much since his body is 90 percent acid.

To reduce the acid in his body, he is replacing the meat in his diet with dates which have a natural sweetness which is not due to sugar, and are alkaline. He only eats almonds since they are supposedly the only nut that is alkaline, which he was told by a nutritionist. This nutritionist had been discharged from university since they told the nutritionist there was nothing they could teach her, which he claimed was because the nutritionist knew it all already. This man said that oranges are not really acid although you might think so, but are slightly alkaline.

He started telling us about different sorts of diets for dogs. His dogs are very flatulent, and are on a special diet he has designed to reduce their alkalinity. He is on the same diet and is quite flatulent as well.

He lives in Australia and told us a charming story about visiting a trailer park with hot pools. Many fruit bats flew into the trees around the hot pools. Many of the fruit bats crapped in the hot pools and many people were hit by fruit bat poo. Sounds delightful.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Middle aged America

In a skypecast in Skypeland entitled "Middle Aged America", an interesting discussion developed with a lady from Pakistan about the political situation inside Pakistan, the status of Kashmir and Waziristan and Ali Khan. Into this deep discussion where a lot of people were learning a lot, someone from Europe entered. He was disgusted and interrupted the people talking over and over to declare that this was inappropriate for a room titled "Middle Aged America". When he finally managed to get the floor to talk, he regaled us all with accounts about how proud he was that he still had nice bowel movements, could still urinate fairly easily and once in a while even had sex, at the age of 52. Oh brother...

AIDS is genetically engineered

The range of lunatics one encounters in Skypeland is amazing. I stumbled into a discussion where a group claimed that a huge conspiracy exists to drastically reduce the population of the world by AIDS and SARS. AIDS and SARS are supposedly genetically engineered to only attack nonCaucasians. They gave as evidence a passage in the UN documents that the population should be reduced. They said that the Illuminati were behind this, and the Freemasons, who are the keepers of the magical sacred geometry. Anyone who obtained a vaccination would immediately come down with a terrible disease and die.

I said I thought it would be good for the planet if the population of humans would be reduced to help with pollution problems and agriculture problems. Most of the people in the room were outraged and attacked me. I was told that it would be trivial to move all 7 billion people on earth to the USA. I asked how we would be able to feed ourselves that way and they told me it was trivial because I was forgetting about the "free energy". I asked where I could get my free energy and no one answered me.

I asked how they knew about this supposedly secret program and they dismissed my question because others had also asked this question.

When I asked the leader of this group what his education was, he became enraged and said he was educated by the world. Someone asked if he had a passport and he said he did not need a passport and had never been out of the country. They told me that no one needs to have a passport to travel since "all countries are corporations". Therefore, each person can claim to be a "displomatic citizen", or therefore a "sovereign" and travel anywhere and live anywhere without a passport. They talked about a place called the "Country of Alaska" which someone said had issued his documents.

It was claimed that there were no governments anywhere on earth. All the governments were an illusion.