Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Islam is the perfect religion !

In Paltalk, there are many Muslims who want to use the venue to recruit others to Islam. It can give some interesting insights into Islam to look at their arguments. For instance, this gentleman, named "I", told me that Christians pray to Mary, and this proves Christianity is a weak religion since Christians are praying to a woman.

Here is some more of our discussion. I first asked him to join me in a Paltalk room entitled "Why I am not a Muslim". He declined, saying:

I: that room doesnt respect Islam

I: they say bad things about our Prophet

I: sallallahu alaihi wa salam

O: I will be glad to discuss it anywhere you want

I: discuss here

I: or invite me to another room

O: but if you want a discussion, you have to be prepared to hear it all

I: no problem

O: if you do not want to hear it all, maybe you should never talk to anyone who is not Muslim

I: but i dont like foul language

I: anyways discuss here

I: in pm

I: u r not even a christian

I: so y u inviting me to a christian rom

O: I was raised as a Christian

O: and that is not a Christian room

O: you are a bit confused about religion

I: just tell me why u r not a muslim

I: give me 1 reason

O: you do not know much about Christianity

O: and you do not know much about other religions

I: i know everything about christianity

I: i know everything they believe

I: i can prove from bible jesus denies being god

O: No you don't. You said that all Christians pray to Mary.

I: not all christians

I: most of them

O: that to start with proves you know NOTHING

O: haha

I: i.e. catholics

O: not even most

O: haha

I: yes catholics are the majority

I: they are over 50%

I: majority is defined by being over 50%

O: you do not know much about Christianity

I: prove i dont know much

I: ask me any question

O: Ok tell me how many books in the bible

I: i dont know the exact number

O: haha

I: it differs

O: oh yes? tell me how

I: catholics have extra books

O: and who else?

O: haha

O: and what are the extra books called?

I: there is no answer to that question

O: sure there is

I: since different bibles have diff number of books

O: you forgot the Orthodox

I: apocrypha

O: and what about the pseudopigraphia? What is that?

I: same thing

O: nope

O: you better do some more reading

O: when the Christians established the canon, the disagreements were about the apocrypha

O: and when the Jews established their canon, they excluded the pseudopigraphia

O: that is it approximately

O: and there are more than 300 million orthodox

O: so one should not ignore them

I: ok

I: now what is ur objection to Islam

O: I have a few

I: just 1

O: the more I learn

O: the less I like about it

I: at a time

I: Islam is the pure religion

I: no religion can compare

O: haha....of course you would claim that

I: no book can compare to the Holy Quran

O: haha

O: of course you claim that

I: no person can compare to Muhammad (alaihi salatu wa salam)

O: of course you claim that

I: no question about it

O: well there is at least one other side to that

O: I would say to start with

O: I disagree with the Apostasy statutes in Shariah law

O: that I find offensive

O: profoundly offensive

I: apostasy is in christianity as well

I: say something unique about Islam

O: but there is no "Shariah" law in Christianity that is applied across a wide range of those in the faith

O: there are all kinds of statements in the old testament that have been superceded by the new testament

I: christians believe in the bible do they not?

I: bible says to kill apostates

O: some believe in it literally, some do not

O: most do not

I: whether christians follow the bible or not isn't our problem

O: at least 90 percent do not believe in it

O: haha

O: you say that since you do not understand Christianity

I: say something about Islam which no other religion is "guilty' of

O: the sermon on the mount basically supercedes all the mitzvot etc

I: actually no

O: well Christianity is not "guilty" of apostasy laws

I: jesus himself said to kill not only apostates

I: but all those who reject him

O: well you are going to tell me what Christianity says?

O: ok give me the verse

O: if you believe it is true

O: and should be taken literally

I: luke 19:21

O: and not allegorical etc

O: ok let me look

I: sorry

I: luke 19:27

I: But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me

I: i have to go pray soon

I: we will discuss later

O: Well you have to understand that passage in context. That is part of a parable.

O: I read the full thing, which goes from 19:11 through 19:27. It means something totally different than what you claim, from what I have heard for years and years.

O: I have never heard it interpreted as an attack on Apostates

O: or Jesus ordering the killing of Apostates

I: yes its a parable

O: You making that claim really reeks

O: haha

I: the person who orders killing of non-believers represents JEsus

I: learn what a parable means

O: Believe whatever you want

I: these are words of Jesus

O: However, as I have maintained many many times, if you want to force your beliefs on others, then you will have trouble

I: he is ordering killing of all non-christians

O: Just a friendly word

O: you are wrong I

O: and living in a dream world

I: during medieval times the church used this verse to kill heretics

O: of course all the passages have been used for all kinds of purposes

O: like the story about Onan

O: to forbid masturbation

I: u cannot change the fact

I: bible and jesus are very violent

I: even in book of revelation

O: I freely admit that there are lots of bad things in the bible

O: haha

I: it says jesus will do some major killing

I: so much so his pure white robes will become red with blood

O: The Revelations of St. John the divine are like a hallucination

O: and it is not even clear what they are referring to

I: of course its a hallucination

I: my point is christians believe in it

O: most scholars adopt some variety of preterism to interpret it

O: some do

O: but most do not

I: its part of their pathetic religion

O: haha

O: you do not know much about Christianity friend

O: you know almost nothing

O: you know hate-filled rhetoric from Imams

O: if you get the Fatwahs against me personally to have me killed lifted

O: then I might have some respect for Islam

O: until you do that

O: you will find me not particularly convinced that Islam is much good

I: listen buddy

I: stop beating around the bush

I: why cant u answer a simple thing

O: Ok you asshole

O: Islam wants to kill me

O: so I will give you the same back

I: u claim christianity is peaceful

O: i never claimed it

O: but I am not peaceful

I: everything u said so far is weak

O: so deal

O: haha

O: If you want death

O: The west will give you death

O: how is that?

O: I am not peaceful

O: Islam is a religion of hatred and death

I: lo0l

I: now u r swearing

O: and if Molsems wants death

O: they will get it

I: calling me "asshole"

O: yep

O: haha

O: yes i did

I: what is the point of that

O: you wanted plain speaking

O: and i gave it to you

I: if u cannot debate properly why u challenge people?

O: if it offends you

O: too bad

O: haha

O: I am offended by death threats

O: how do you like that?

I is now offline. Messages will be delivered when they sign on to Paltalk.

After he logged off, I added this portion for him to read when he logged back in:

O: Look, get the fatwahs against me threatening me with death lifted. And then I might find Islam to be a bit more compelling. You cannot speak peace if you want to constantly threaten others with death. If you threaten others, then you will buy a negative relationship. Is that what you want? I am asking you to try to see your way clear to live in peace with the others you share the planet with. Tolerance is the path of peace. Intolerance like that represented by aggressive proselytizers like yourself is not the path to peace, but the path to death and evil. So why not give peace and tolerance a chance? What is wrong with that?

O: However, as I see with all Muslims, you are not able to actually handle a frank discussion.

O: Oh well.

O: As you sew, so shall ye reap

O: If you want to have rooms with no one who disagrees with you, there are plenty of Muslim rooms. They throw out anyone who disagrees. Try one of those.

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