Monday, October 20, 2008

Condeleeza Rice is a Communist!

The range of opinions one encounters on Paltalk is mind boggling. One amateur "sovietologist" on Paltalk held forth for hours claiming that the Soviet Union never collapsed, and that it is still in a close alliance with China. All of the border clashes were ruses. Condeleeza Rice is supposedly a traitor and a communist and a KGB informant. He claimed that Condeleeza Rice's PhD advisor, Josef Korbel (Madeleine Albright's father), is a communist and KGB agent, and a former Nazi. This is quite an impressive claim, given that Korbel was a Czech Jew who fled the Nazis, and returned to Czechoslovakia and then had to flee again when the communists took over Czechoslovakia in 1948!

He also claimed that Taiwan has been secretly taken over by China already because all its leadership are loyal to the communist party in mainland China. All the leaders in China are supposedly not native Chinese, but Chinese from Singapore, which is why they have brought capitalism to China.

He claimed that Germany plans to leave NATO. He stated that Angela Merkel is a secret communist.

He was extremely angry when I questioned any of his story. He claims that world wide domination by a secret underground communist conspiracy is only months away. At the point the plan is finally put into action, all westerners will be slaves to the Soviet/Chinese overlords.

His proof of some of this nonsense is that Obama is associated with William Ayers, a known communist radical. He also noted that one of the senior officials in a Soviet intelligence agency had a birthday of September 11, and that this was further "proof" that the Soviets were behind the attack on the world trade center.


A blog discussing this theory appears here. A video he uses as a source is here. In the video, a defector named Bezmenov claims that Jane Fonda became "filthy rich" because of her activities as a dissident!

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