Thursday, November 1, 2007

Christians are stupid

One can hear all kinds of assorted nonsense in Skypeland. One Christian Skypecast I was in was visited by a Muslim. The Muslim claimed that Christians were following some sort of distorted faith since they were supposed to worship Jesus, but stopped doing it and started worshipping someone else instead, called Christ. Ah...

The Muslim then claimed that the Bible is always badly translated, and that one needs a Koran to help interpret the Bible. He said that quite often in the bible the word for "God" is translated as the Devil, or the Devil is mistranslated as God. He said that Elohim is often mistranslated as "Gods" to support the notion of the trinity, when the plural word Elohim should be translated as "God" instead, since it is the majestic plural, not a real plural (Elo is the singular form). He said that the Dead Sea scrolls proved that all of the current Christian bibles are wrong.

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