Saturday, November 10, 2007

Not unless we have to

One great thing about Skypeland is that you can talk to others from other cultures and try to understand their perspectives a bit more. I had a chat with someone from Saudi Arabia who comes from an extremely wealthy family:

[4:49:45 PM] L says: hi there

[4:49:49 PM] L says: long time no see

[4:58:17 PM] A says: hi there

[4:58:18 PM] A says: how are you

[4:58:55 PM] L says: fine thanx , but i wonder do u remember me ?

[4:59:00 PM] A says: yes

[4:59:02 PM] A says: of course

[4:59:13 PM] A says: I have been exploring more of skype off and on

[4:59:14 PM] A says: how are you

[4:59:19 PM] A says: and your business plans?

[4:59:58 PM] L says: i have been so busy latly

[5:00:08 PM] A says: ah good stuff I hope

[5:00:15 PM] L says: we have opend our first aqurim hotel

[5:00:22 PM] A says: great

[5:00:31 PM] L says: "the splling is missed up "

[5:00:46 PM] A says: I understand

[5:01:06 PM] L says: ppl frome vinzula japan hengary

[5:01:09 PM] L says: humm

[5:01:27 PM] L says: iran indonisa koria and china

[5:01:30 PM] A says: great

[5:01:34 PM] L says: are coming ^^

[5:01:47 PM] L says: no amircans or brits yet

[5:01:57 PM] L says: i think they r too afrade to come to ksa ^^

[5:01:59 PM] L says: lol

[5:02:08 PM] A says: well yes

[5:02:09 PM] A says: of course

[5:02:19 PM] A says: it is pretty dangerous

[5:02:28 PM] L says: we wont kill you

[5:02:32 PM] A says: Our governments warn us not to go

[5:02:34 PM] L says: only of we hade to

[5:02:37 PM] L says: :P

[5:02:47 PM] A says: I have had maybe 100 or 150 KSA people on Skype threaten to kill me

[5:02:49 PM] A says: so....

[5:02:52 PM] A says: even some women

[5:02:59 PM] L says: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[5:03:05 PM] L says: u did blev them

[5:03:24 PM] A says: Some I believe. Some maybe not

[5:03:34 PM] L says: here its so safe and frindly , unles there a reson not to

[5:03:37 PM] A says: They seem very very angry

[5:03:41 PM] A says: VERY angry

[5:03:45 PM] A says: and confused

[5:04:08 PM] L says: i dont know there is some thing about u i dont under stand

[5:04:27 PM] L says: : \ i may have a lake of exprising

[5:04:47 PM] L says: but ur carcter seems to be so pastic

[5:04:56 PM] L says: "not real "

[5:05:04 PM] L says: if u know wht i mean

[5:05:06 PM] L says: what *

[5:05:10 PM] A says: My character is so plastic?

[5:05:27 PM] L says: " lol like thate was the only wrong splled word "

[5:05:43 PM] L says: its an exprtion

[5:06:12 PM] L says: refaring to plastic flawors insted of real ones

[5:06:20 PM] A says: exprtion?

[5:06:23 PM] A says: plastic flavors?

[5:06:25 PM] A says: I see

[5:06:36 PM] L says: flowrs not flavers

[5:06:53 PM] A says: plastic flowers

[5:07:03 PM] A says: So I seem like I have a character like plastic flowers?

[5:07:51 PM] L says: i meen they miss life they r only they way they have been made

[5:07:54 PM] L says: :S

[5:08:09 PM] A says: I see

[5:08:14 PM] A says: well I prefer not to die

[5:08:26 PM] L says: lack of expritions , i cant explane what i meen

[5:08:44 PM] A says: If 100 people say they hate me and want to kill me...I have to pay some attention to them

[5:09:16 PM] L says: ukh ..

[5:09:30 PM] L says: voice chate ?

[5:09:41 PM] A says: If you had 200 or 300 Americans tell you that they hated all Saudis and all Saudis should be killed...would you visit the USA?

[5:09:41 PM] L says: my splling is all mised up

I never got a response from him...

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