Saturday, June 27, 2009


A new visitor to Skypeland came by today. His name is RJ, but he soon acquired the nickname of "Splooge". He is from the UK, and almost immediately he offended every person listening. He attacked the other Brits, and insulted the Americans. Within the first 10 minutes of having introduced himself, he was threatening to have "butt sex" with any man who dared to talk to him.

RJ just spewed a mindless rant of invective-laced drivel, stringing one execratory expletive after another. He had no interests and said nothing that was of any value. He was angry and combative. He was ignorant and proud to be stupid. He was aggressive. RJ was cursing and spitting and sputtering. He hated everyone and everything. He had no reason for showing up to the Skypeland room, and wanted to cut off anyone else who was talking. He refused to answer any questions. He did not want to engage in any dialogue with anyone. RJ threatened. RJ abused. RJ mocked and taunted. RJ derided everyone else, blustering and bullying, grunting and snarling. He issued a long fulminating diatribe replete with obloquious calumny and vituperative vilification. He berated and denunciated. His tongue dripped with contumelious contempt and offensive opprobrium.

And pretty quickly he created a bad impression. See, people can acquire a lousy reputation without very much effort at all, in no time at all.

Hope he is happy with that.

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