Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Cow poo

Today in Skypeland, I heard a bit more about the charming "Roxy the foxy" in New Zealand. As you might recall, Roxy not only likes to perfume herself by rolling in feces, but also likes to freshen her breath by dining on dog droppings, sort of like a breath mint. I wonder if a piece of excrement qualifies as something sweet, or savory?

True to her English heritage, Roxy also likes to eat pies; but in her case, they are cow pies.

Yep. Meadow muffins are Roxy's favorite snack. She likes to munch milker merde. That is, bovine butt nuggets. Cattle keester cakes. Moo movements. Taurine turds. Dogie defecation disks. Ox ordure. Longhorn leavings. Bison BM business. Lineback logs. Buffalo brown bombs. Calf caca. Guernsey Guano. White park waste. Steer stools. Charolais shite. Lourdais lumps. Bull bottom biscuits. Holstein hershey hunks. Angus ass apples. Beef bum brownies.

Mmm tasty. However, having tried British food myself, I cannot say that Roxy's diet seems that different to me than what the Brits normally eat. And after all, fox terriers are a British breed, so it all makes sense.

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