Friday, July 24, 2009

Blog traffic

It is interesting to take a look and see what sort of things bring people to this blog, aside from the regular readers who frequent Skypeland. There are searches that provide links to these pages, as I have previously noted. There are also people who are looking through google images and then click on the google image of their choice to find their way to this page.

Previously a very popular image leading people to this blog was:

from the blog post "What are you eating?". I wonder; why this photo would interest anyone?

Of course, people came to the blog when they clicked on other pictures as well, such as the lovely photos of Amy Winehouse. For example,

is an image from the blog post "National character".

However, by far the most popular photo in this blog, at least judging by the number of people who click on the image and are lead to this Skypeland Adventures blog, is:

from the blog post "Bitch tits". I notice that about 90% of the visitors to this blog in the last 24 hours came because they clicked on this photo. They came from Sweden and Belgium and the Netherlands and the UK (quite a few from the UK, actually) and Montreal and Pennsylvania and Germany and Connecticut and Germany and New Zealand, all because they clicked on this photo after doing a google search that retrieved this image.

I am not sure what this means, if anything, but it is interesting. Perhaps it shows that people are interested in the breasts of both women and men, artfully and attractively displayed. From what I have seen so far however, the men are winning out by a huge margin, contrary to what you might imagine.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Recently in Skypeland, there was a lot of turmoil over the issue of whether people should be allowed to "out" others they dislike or not.

Some willingly give out their personal information, like the "Spam King" BW. Others give out some of their personal information, like Mucus. A few, like the mystery man A, give out what they claim is their personal information, and then deny that they ever did it. The mystery man A also has betrayed storyteller D's confidence, and released D's personal information, and then denied that he did that, making up some highly dubious story (however, to be honest, he was not particularly convincing given his track record). By contrast some, like the lovely long-legged vixen RL of Arizona, have tried to maintain some privacy and not reveal much about their true identities.

Mucus was banned from one Skypeland venue for 3 days for revealing RL's personal information, and then allowed back after he apologized. However, Mucus was still fuming:


Submitted by Anonymous20 (not verified) on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 13:27.

You fucking American wankers, S, F, and miss gutter mouth RL or should I say P! Go fuck yourselves you fucking pricks!

From this post we see how angry Mucus still is, several days later.


Submitted by Anonymous23 (not verified) on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 13:32.

What a foul-mouthed nasty bitch she is what horrible crap comes out of her mouth the sick bitch!

I wonder if Mucus has considered comparing what comes out of RL's mouth with what comes out of his own mouth? Or Mr. Wee Wee Hands? Or the multimillionaire special forces operative and bathroom contractor R? Or any number of other visitors to Skypeland?

Russia should have nuked you all

Submitted by Anonymous24 (not verified) on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 13:42.

What I hear from you wankers and the utter crap that spills from your mouths, has led me to the conclusion that you should have all been nuked by the Russians back in the 80's. The world would be a much better place than it is now without arsewipe yankies around touting your guns and crap. Most of the stuff you talk about is war, you lot are obsessed with war and violence you sick puppies! Listen to the debassed crap that comes out of your very large Amercian mouths! I used to think the yanks were a nice enough people but after hearing the shit you utter and the depths of depravity that you go to, maybe it's time to change my opinion! YOU ARE A BUNCH OF NASTY FUCKING CUNTS!

When I read this sort of nonsense from this angry ignorant unemployed high school dropout, I just shake my head.

fucking power crazy cunts

Submitted by Anonymous45 (not verified) on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 13:59.

Oh I'm going to lock the conference to stop the people I don't want coming in my room! FUCKING PRICKS!

Finally, after all this provocation, someone responded with:

PM Needs to Control Himself

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 07/21/2009 - 17:39.

Using the IP address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, this mucus of a man, the worthless piece of shit that he is, has decided he will pick on innocent civilians and will attempt to destroy the lives of others. As such, all digital traffic coming in and out of networks close to X will be monitored and placed on a watch list. Proper authorities have been identified and PM will be forced to learn for once in his empty life. So watch out PM, or one day your Internet will be taken away and you will be answering for yourself to men who don't find your attitude amusing.

This post was quickly removed, however, when someone thought the better of it. I think it is still quite interesting and instructive, myself. I don't know if Mucus will calm down, or if the other angry Brits will calm down. It is amazing that something so simple should be blown up out of all proportion, however.


Here is a further comment, presumably from Mucus, a few days later, probably in response to this blog post:

bloody X taking the piss

Submitted by wanker (not verified) on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 11:43.

bloody X taking the piss on his blog again cuntbreath you are all over youtube nasty bugger

fool you are mate i wont be

Submitted by tosserwatch (not verified) on Sat, 07/25/2009 - 13:21.

fool you are mate i wont be giving you the pleasure of me reading the shite you putting out wanker come on X you got no balls mate what you got yourself the reason behind your blog nobody cares about and why you isnt coming in the room cuz A

Recent popular blog posts

For the amusement of my readers, here is a list of the most popular recent blog posts, in approximate order:

*A strange search

A post about a somewhat outrageous search someone used to find this blog.

*King of the Loo

Readers are challenged to guess the identity of the subject of this poem.

*You smell like poo

A story about a dog whose owner visits Skypeland.

*A troll technique

My summary of the events leading up to the current recusal of the Brits from one particular venue in Skypeland.

*Mohammed was right

Some more outrageous statements from one of our Muslim visitors.

*Crustier and crustier

Some speculation about the hygienic practices of a Skypelander.

*Bitch tits

A shocking admission by one of the more irritating Skypeland visitors.

*On patrol

An analysis of several visitors to Skypeland who seem to want to dominate the conversation, and punish those who they disagree with.

*Tits so big it is unreal

A conversation with a mature woman in Skypeland.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A troll technique

I was reminded of another common troll technique for "debating" in Skypeland the other day. It is very common for trolls to ask a question, and then as soon as someone tries to answer, to talk over them and not allow them to answer.

There are only a few responses possible. If one has control of the moderator controls, one can shut down the microphone of the troll, and allow someone to answer the troll. One can just give up, and leave the discussion. Or one can respond in kind. Most disruptive elements complain bitterly when anyone gives them a taste of their own medicine. Like most bullies, they can dish it out, but they cannot take it.

The muck expert Mucus recently was banned from one Skypeland venue for 3 days for having advertised L's real name in a Skypeland discussion. Mucus was incensed by this, and talked about how unfair it was since people in the room were "racist" to say he is stupid, and to not let him spew antiAmerican and antiSemitic material unimpeded (this little brown man, son of immigrants from Cyprus, and genetically indistinguishable from a Turk, wants to claim he is a "proper Brit" usually; however, he screams "racism" when he thinks it will give him an advantage).

Mucus' buddy, the indolent incomparably incomprehensible Yorkhire pipefitter Mrs. B came to Mucus' defense and attacked me for supposedly having used the real name of someone else in the room. Makes good sense; I didn't ban Mucus, and I did not even hear what he did. But when the Brits want to get even, they attack me. And the mystery man A joined in to assist them, and the Brits cheered him and egged him on.

The shrill shrew J's Skype name is "Anne Boleyn" . Therefore, in one Skypeland discussion, I and others often refer to the shrill shrew J as "Anne" or "Anne Boleyn". Of course, I have no idea what the shrill shrew J's real name is.

Mrs. B got himself all worked up into a state of high dudgeon and claimed that I was not allowed to use the names "Anne" or "Anne Boleyn" in a Skypeland room since these names were supposedly J's real names. Mrs. B claimed that because I said the name "Anne Boleyn" in the Skypeland room, I should be banned. Since I was not banned, this was evidence of gross inequity and discrimination, and showed that people are outrageously unfair to Mucus.

Again Mrs. B brought up the complaint that because this discussion is supposed to be "fair and unbalanced", that therefore I should be forbidden from speaking. On the other hand, Mrs. B asserted that Mucus should be allowed to make whatever misogenic, antiAmerican or antiSemitic statement he liked, and even threaten to kill anyone he liked including the room moderators and those paying for the room. Mrs. B agreed that anyone objecting to Mucus' crazy opinions and threats showed that Mucus was being discriminated against by "evil racists". How is it that not a single one of these great geniuses can figure out what the term UNbalanced means? No matter how often it is explained to them, they are unable to look it up in a book or online, or else they do not care. I would not have thought that was a difficult concept to get across, but it clearly is. However, it does tell one what sort of idiocy one is dealing with.

When I tried to explain, Mrs. B refused to listen, and instead just talked over me. Well, I guess I should not have expected any more than this from Mrs B. He is just unable to understand and reason in any rational way, and is very arrogant about his superiority.

As I have said before, he is "proud to be stupid".


Although Mucus was "banned" for 3 days, he was back in the Skypeland discussion less than 12 hours later. Subsequently, the "ban" on Mucus was lifted early. However, Mrs. B was so angry about this treatment of Mucus, that he announced he would leave Skypeland forever.

Oh brother. More pointless drama.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


In Skypeland one can hear a lot of comments about gardens and gardening. People swap stories about huge zucchinis the size of zeppelins and monsterous Sasquatch-sized squashes. Skypelanders give each other gardening tips. People show pictures of their gardens.

The moderator S has a large garden with a rustic fence around it. His tomato plants were already over 6 feet in height at the start of July. S gets so many vegetables from his garden he cannot eat it all and he has to give most of them away. He is constantly on the lookout for various critters from the surrounding woods who try to sneak in and raid his garden.

Many of the Brits mock S for his gardening efforts. Mucus has asserted that leaves are not good composting material since Mucus claims there is no material in leaves that are nutritious for plants. Mucus also flew into a rage when S said he was putting lime on his garden, since Mucus said one should only put manure on a garden. Mucus cursed and insulted S for being so stupid that he would think lime was beneficial for a garden.

The international mercenary and bathroom contractor R claims he has a massive garden. To prove this, R passed around a picture supposedly showing him riding a small lawn tractor. The man in the photo is wearing a pair of rubber boots and giving the photographer the finger.

However, several Skypelanders raised the question of whether this was even R at all (the face looks a bit different from his other pictures, and the figure in the photo is wearing a New York Yankees baseball cap). Some wondered if this picture did show R on a tractor, was he just making a few extra quid mowing lawns in the neighborhood?.

G in Texas is quite proud of his garden and gives tours of his garden by webcam. G is also interested in inventing and flying novel kinds of kites, which he flies near his garden.

Roxy the "foxy" likes to spend time in the garden, digging and sniffing around. I had friends with a chihuahua that used to raid the garden for peas and carrots. He pulled up the carrots and onions and ate them. I don't know if Roxy does anything similar. Roxy smells so bad that I think no one gets close enough to her for long enough to see what she does in the garden.

K had a garden that was often visited by foxes in the UK. She fed them pizza and dog food and they ate from her hand. However, she found that the foxes danced in her garden and trod down the plants. Also they pooped on the potato plants, crapped on the cabbages, peed on the peas, dropped turds on the turnips and shit on the shallots. K remarked that the foxes had very pungent poos and they did a lot of damage to the plants.

Here are a few of K's comments on the matter:

[8:46:06 AM] K says: yeah not here....yes they ewere rather ''not going to eat those'' i made a veg patch for my upstairs neighbours kid...she liked the foxes more

[9:19:53 AM] K says: they do do (do do hahhah) rather pungent poos

I asked the lovely T if she gardened. T told me that she had some issues with a garden:

[9:40:30 AM] P says: did you ever garden?

[9:41:18 AM] T says: oh yes i just wrecked my friends vegetable garden, didnt water it enough, i take care of their house and garden for one month ooooooooooops. im taking care of the turkish family ( my friends ) house and garden

[9:47:25 AM] T says: and in their traditional they have lots of spinach

[9:47:41 AM] T says: i have to cut it and clean it and put it to the freezer

[9:48:10 AM] T says: there is so much weed that i cant tell the difference of weed of spinach

[9:48:26 AM] T says: so whats the reason for putting weed in the freezer you see

Not everyone in Skypeland thinks that gardening is interesting to talk about however:

[9:57:10 AM] Q says: i do not garden.

[9:57:12 AM] Q says: plants hate me.

[9:57:26 AM] Q says: but, most of the men on here seem to do some type of gardening.

[9:57:28 AM] Q says: how gay.

Well I guess you can't please everyone. And in the case of some of the Brits, talking about gardening just seems to lead to anger and insults and death threats.

A strange search

As I mentioned before, some visitors to this blog come as the result of internet searches. I occasionally scan through the search terms people used out of curiosity.

Yesterday, someone in Tampa, Florida did an AOL search for the phrase "cunt with mucus" and the second most prominent hit was my blog post entitled "Starvation". Although I am glad to welcome readers here no matter how they find the blog, I do have to wonder about what this person was looking for. Did they want information about a medical problem perhaps? If that is true, this blog is probably not the best place to look.

Friday, July 17, 2009

King of the Loo

Here is a little ditty I came across. I wonder who it is referring to? Can you guess?

King of the loo, obsessed with poo

He says he is rich, but he's prolly someone's bitch

Says he's a killer, but that is clearly filler

Claims his family mined gems, he talks 'bout BMs

His bragging wont quit, he looks like Brad Shit

When plastered he has fits, he said he's got tits

Can't get a rut, eats cheese from a butt

Bet he wears a skirt, he sure tries to flirt

Not really Norman Bates, more like "Norman Fellates"

Likes it up his rear, looks for a volunteer

Obviously queer, drunk but not on beer

Wants to get a pump, right up his rump

In the same damn hole from which he takes a dump