Saturday, April 25, 2009

Men and Women

Skypeland is a place where one can observe interactions of men and women in a somewhat filtered environment. Since it can be anonymous, and the people in Skypeland are not necessarily in real life contact, they often express themselves more easily, and probably feel there are fewer consequences for their actions and statements.

I was musing today about several recent events I have observed in Skypeland. I was telling T, a female friend of mine in Skypeland, about the flirtatious, giggly, cooing LK who lives in Kuwait (described in the blog post "Kuwait is the most conservative country"). T stated that the reason that men like these kind of women is that, clearly, "men are idiots".

I agreed, since a curvaceous figure or a wink or an enticing glance, a breathy voice or a seductive comment or two can turn men's heads very quickly in real life, and the same is true in Skypeland. I feel it myself.

I countered that men also sometimes cannot figure out what women see in certain men, such as the "flasher" and the alleged "drug dealer" who were chatting up LK in the blog post about Kuwait.

Also, the frequently stoned and angry BT that I described in the blog posts "Hitler drank Coca Cola", and "Japan surrendered before Pearl Harbor", who also was one of my attackers in the episode described in "Building codes", is fawned over by several women. They say things like, "oh he is so cute, and he is so nice to me and so lovely". I just do not see it. Instead, I see a drugged-out whiney loser who is ignorant, angry, disrespectful, crude and not just stupid, but aggressively stupid.

Another example that mystifies me is A, a Skypeland visitor described in the "Mystery man" post. Not only does everything that A claims about himself seem inconsistent and unlikely, but A demands that others accept it all as factual or he will threaten them and insult them. In addition, A is extremely aggressive in preaching about conspiracy theories, including the 911 Inside Job, HAARP, chemtrails, fluoride, the secret World Wide Jewish Cabal, etc. Again, if anyone disagrees, A bursts into an angry diatribe and demands that no one disagree with him or else. He also has thrown a multi-week viritual tantrum when his father was "insulted", although A himself is very free with his insults of others. If you couple this with a few recent attempts at social engineering to gain personal information and bank account information, I think this person appears completely unreliable. Nevertheless, a trio of women (each of who appears to have a long history of failed relationships, and each of who seems to exhibit pretty bad judgment sometimes when it comes to men, at least sometimes) have chastised me for not trusting A and accepting him as a reasonable, rational, upstanding, trustworthy family man.

One even challenged me repeatedly to "defend myself" as she mounted one attack after another against me. I guess this was her attempt to show her loyalty to A, the "mystery man", since she is part of his "cyber harem". T stated that the reason that women like A is that he talks so lovingly about his purported wife (who I am not sure even exists), so they are just dazzled by his supposedly romantic nature. Perhaps. (it is well-known among men that some single men put on fake wedding bands to attract women. This apparently works like magic. So who knows what is at play here...)

I notice that women often will vigorously and angrily protect their partners even when their partners are physically abusing these women, particularly if someone attempts to intervene. This is one of the reasons that the police are uneasy with trying to mediate domestic disputes. I think this might be one of the reasons women in Muslim cultures are so anxious to defend the misogynistic practices of much of the Muslim world.

Women seem to perceive the world and males in a very different way than most men do (is that sexist to notice? If so, I am guilty as charged). How else can one explain the number of women who are willing to marry men in prison, or even on death row, often that they have only recently met or even sought out while the men are incarcerated? I think you will find few if any men who find this to be an attractive option.

Most men remember their experiences in High School with some distaste, recalling the hordes of women who competed with each other to get the attention of a handful of "bad boys", who were clearly maladjusted losers, and ignored the duller and quieter and more studious types. This seems completely mystifying to the average male, particularly to those who are not among the ranks of the "bad boys" (this is not to say that males do not have an attraction to "bad girls" as well, of course).

However, yesterday, I had a real treat. The room was visited by Y, a middle-aged man from Geneva, Switzerland. Y was soft-spoken; he spoke so quietly that it was almost impossible to hear him. He spoke very calmly. Y declined to make any comments when asked about political questions, or several times made some very ambiguous statement about world events that was impossible to decipher.

However, things got really interesting as soon as most people vacated the room except for Y, my very attractive female friend R, and myself. I stayed quiet and just listened to the exchange.

Y launched into the biggest stream-of-consciousness psychobabble and foolishness that I have heard in ages. It was mystical. It was spiritual. It was New Age. It was respectful. It was reverential. It was uplifting. It was cathartic. He was in touch with his feelings. He murmurred. He understood perfectly. He susurrated. He coached. He charmed. He soothed. He cajoled. He goaded. He enticed. He lectured. He counselled. In short, it was complete crap.

R was eating it all up. R agreed with Y all the way through his presentation. I could not figure out what on earth Y was talking about, and several times during this 2 or 3 hour long session, I sent R a text message. R told me that she badly "wanted to fuck Y" and that if Y were present she would give him a blowjob for sure. She sent text messsages to me pointing out things like, "see? women sometimes go for a gentle guy". This was in spite of R pining for a hard aggressive masculine take-charge kind of guy for months and telling me repeatedly how inadequate a gentle, kind, soft ex-boyfriend had been. R has told me several times that "gentle, soft" men do not "know how to love" and she misses the hardness a rough and tough macho real man's man can show her. R told me that "Y definitely has no problem getting laid".

I did not record Y's spiel and I did not take notes. It was quite reminiscent of other "love talk" from assorted New Age Gurus I have heard from time to time, that women just seem to be enthralled with. I even remarked later to some males that this sort of thing would make millions if it was recorded on a CD or a DVD and sold; women would buy it like hotcakes since it seems to appeal to them. One of them feigned annoyance that I had not recorded it, and therefore missed the opportunity to make a few bucks.

Here is an attempt to reproduce some of the tone and feeling of what Y said, to give you an idea of what I mean. Imagine it being said in a thick French accent, in a very calm and almost inaudible voice:

Listen my child, you have to admit that inside all happiness is sadness and inside all sadness is happiness; you have to feel sad and happy at the same time to be complete and a whole person and therefore we have to mount together the ramparts of dialectic analyses and didacticism. Now the vibrational aspects of the universe connect us to each other in a material continuum, one to another, flowing and deeply intertwined with our true beings and selves slowly conforming inwardly and outwardly to all aspects of our dharmal and chiral nature, a collaborative ballet honoring our ancestors and our place in the unceasing temporal linkages that bind us all in an deceptively easy yet difficult, not to say fluid, superficiality and an apparent existential venue, washing upon the shores of colloidal protanopic patterning during our period of crepuscular penumbration and obliquity. What love is, and is not, is a vital part of our earthly enterprise and this complete and unerring personal and prehensile exploration must be carefully probed and poured out and catalogued upon that great occluded circular circle of existence, as we demand that all perturbational movements take place in this plane and no other. As it was in the past, it shall be in the future, completely identical, but different in all respects and it is this singular recognition of our omphalic quantum reality that allows the racemic penetration of the harmonic synchrony of symbiotic synergistic altruism and profound parthogenic quiet. The universe has the same strabismic aspect ratio as that attendant in corporeal banefulness, a deep and abiding toroidal collusion of synthetic personhood observable in all the emotional constructs we encounter. What I have found in my hermeneutical aspirations and pantethentical longings for peaceful coexistance on the ethereal ballustrade of cellular luminosity and perception is that it is done only in a callous fashion, figuratively speaking, imprinted with fealty for a return to accentuated hyperactive continuation and reversion, like the tides of the cosmic ocean. Effortless tensorial contiguous intentional acceleration of the human heart is needed yet required while twistingly offered in a special sameness and in a same specialness beyond our perception and our inherent acuity is one with our unadulterated contamination from our innermost beings and feelings, our most harsh hurts to the manifest fibers of your humanity and soul. Do you not see? Liberate your ego and dance the dance; look with your literal and figurative third eye upon what has been so brazenly exposed to our incisive peripatetic perambulations...

This claptrap, pretentious drivel and complete nonsense continued on in this droning fashion for hours on end. Y created a verbal monument to circumlocutorial excess, a paean to pointless horsepucky. It was quite impressive and I wondered if Y was making it up as he went along, or if he had memorized it at one point, or if he was reading it.

Anyway, it really seemed to do the trick. My lovely female friend R was clearly just dripping after a few minutes of this. R was completely dizzy for Y. That is, R was soaking wet and throbbing for Y. R was completely energized and panting. She wanted Y sexually, and wanted him really badly.

I had absolutely no idea what Y was saying, but R told me that "of course" she understood what Y was saying, perfectly clearly. However, I doubt that Y understood or understands what he said. I doubt that R understood this colloquy either. However, the droning and calm tone was obviously very seductive and hypnotic.

This performance was not only impressive, but interesting. I think that in this sort of thing, men and women are quite different. It is very difficult for men to understand exactly what women are thinking and perceiving about men, and difficult for women to understand exactly what men are thinking and perceiving about women. Is that sexist of me? I do not think so, but if it is, tough.

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