I was reminded of another common
troll technique for "debating" in
Skypeland the other day. It is very common for trolls to ask a question, and then as soon as someone tries to answer, to talk over them and not allow them to answer.
There are only a few responses possible. If one has control of the moderator controls, one can shut down the microphone of the troll, and allow someone to answer the troll. One can just give up, and leave the discussion. Or one can respond in kind. Most disruptive elements complain bitterly when anyone gives them a taste of their own medicine. Like most bullies, they can dish it out, but they cannot take it.
The muck expert
Mucus recently was banned from one
Skypeland venue for 3 days for having advertised L's real name in a
Skypeland discussion. Mucus was incensed by this, and talked about how unfair it was since people in the room were "racist" to say he is stupid, and to not let him spew antiAmerican and antiSemitic material unimpeded (this little brown man, son of immigrants from Cyprus, and genetically indistinguishable from a Turk, wants to claim he is a "proper Brit" usually; however, he screams "racism" when he thinks it will give him an advantage).
Mucus' buddy, the indolent incomparably incomprehensible Yorkhire
pipefitter Mrs. B came to Mucus' defense and attacked me for supposedly having used the real name of someone else in the room. Makes good sense; I didn't ban Mucus, and I did not even hear what he did. But when the Brits want to get even, they attack me. And the
mystery man A joined in to assist them, and the Brits cheered him and egged him on.
shrill shrew J's
Skype name is "Anne Boleyn" . Therefore, in one
Skypeland discussion, I and others often refer to the shrill shrew J as "Anne" or "Anne Boleyn". Of course, I have
no idea what the shrill shrew J's
real name is.
Mrs. B got himself all worked up into a state of high dudgeon and claimed that I was not allowed to use the names "Anne" or "Anne Boleyn" in a Skypeland room since these names were supposedly J's real names. Mrs. B claimed that because I said the name "Anne Boleyn" in the Skypeland room, I should be banned. Since I was not banned, this was evidence of gross inequity and discrimination, and showed that people are outrageously unfair to Mucus.
Again Mrs. B brought up the complaint that because this discussion is supposed to be
"fair and unbalanced", that therefore I should be forbidden from speaking. On the other hand, Mrs. B asserted that Mucus should be allowed to make whatever misogenic, antiAmerican or antiSemitic statement he liked, and even threaten to kill anyone he liked including the room moderators and those paying for the room. Mrs. B agreed that anyone objecting to Mucus' crazy opinions and threats showed that Mucus was being discriminated against by "evil racists".
How is it that not a single one of these great geniuses can figure out what the term UNbalanced means? No matter how often it is explained to them, they are unable to look it up in a book or online, or else they do not care. I would not have thought that was a difficult concept to get across, but it clearly is. However, it does tell one what sort of idiocy one is dealing with.
When I tried to explain, Mrs. B refused to listen, and instead just talked over me. Well, I guess I should not have expected any more than this from Mrs B. He is just unable to understand and reason in any rational way, and is very arrogant about his superiority.
As I have said before, he is "proud to be stupid".
AdditionAlthough Mucus was "banned" for 3 days, he was back in the Skypeland discussion less than 12 hours later. Subsequently, the "ban" on Mucus was lifted early. However, Mrs. B was so angry about this treatment of Mucus, that he announced he would leave Skypeland forever.
Oh brother. More pointless drama.