Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Don't use your "meat mind"

We talked to a Turk who had a bit of a fundamentalist bent in Skypeland. We asked him about Charles Darwin and evolution, and he condemned evolution as stupid and claimed that Darwin was mentally ill. He said he knew better than Darwin since he knew how to "think". I asked about all the professors at the Turkish universities and the Turkish Academy of Sciences who subscribed to evolution? Are they not thinking? He said they were only thinking with their "meat minds" and not doing real thinking like he was. Ah...

At first I thought he might be a liberal Muslim because of some of his statements, but as he spoke more and more I realized he was just a different flavor of fundamentalist. The worst feature of his beliefs became revealed when he said he did not need to know about other religions since Islam told him that Islam was the true religion. We tried to get him to learn more about other religions. However, he became combative at this point and claimed he is smarter than all of us since he "reads". Ah, maybe he reads, but it doesn't show very much....

He told me that the prophet Mohammed had meditated and decided that there was no time, which is what he claimed science says currently (??). He said that the Sun is a big ball of Helium that is being consumed to make Hydrogen (backwards, of course) and that it will in 400 years grow to be a huge star extended out as far as Uranus (not true) and that it will turn into a black hole (not true) and will eat the earth, as Mohammed predicted (did Mohammed predict this? I doubt it...).

I could not take being lectured to by someone who knows I left...

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