Monday, September 17, 2007

Some people are sure sick

One hears all kinds of disgusting things in Skypeland. Here is an account a friend told me the other day:

[9/17/2007 7:59:30 PM] R says: hey

[9/17/2007 8:33:32 PM] R says: i really hate stupid people who owns animals

[9/17/2007 8:34:00 PM] Bob in MD says: what happened

[9/17/2007 8:35:00 PM] R says: some people came in with there dog who have a heart mumur, seizes, and cateraixs in the eyes and they bred her and she got all these before she was 2 years old

[9/17/2007 8:35:19 PM] Bob in MD says: oh no

[9/17/2007 8:36:01 PM] R says: and another one my boss L had a emgerence call for a cat, the owner said a lamp fell on the cat and hurt the rectum, well we did an exam and it had to either be torture to the cat or sexual abuse. We had to euthanize it.

[9/17/2007 8:36:27 PM] Bob in MD says: holy cow

Wow....I hardly know what to say. What is wrong with people?

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