Sunday, September 16, 2007

So tolerant...

Skypeland is a great place to see all kinds of human frailties revealed. In particular, some friends called me into a cast to hear a certain interesting exchange. One friend who is an atheist was being attacked by two serious Christians for her attitude. She had told them she did not want to date or marry a Christian.

They became quite upset about this, and visciously called her names and said she was narrow-minded. I then asked the two Christians if they would marry a Jew or a Hindu or a Muslim or an Atheist. They said "No, of course not, do you think we are crazy? Those people are disgusting etc etc".

When I tried to point out that viewpoint of theirs is slightly hypocritical and inconsistent, they were unable to understand. I asked if they thought that this atheist lady should not have the right to choose her own partner or that this atheist lady should not able to choose the people she associated with. They said she was discriminating by doing this and it was unfair and she should not be allowed to do this. I tried, but was unable to demonstrate to them that they were not applying these same standards to themselves. Ah yes...aren't humans interesting?

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