Monday, September 17, 2007

You blow up me, I blow up you

Turn around is fair play, but sometimes people in Skypeland do not quite understand how this works. An American friend from Portugal was in a cast when a Pakistani man entered and told everyone how much he loved people and loved peace. He asked the American where she was from, and she said she was from the United States. He immediately said that people should blow up the United States.

He later asked her if she would visit Pakistan or if she liked Pakistan. She said she did not like Pakistan because the Pakistani man was there. The Pakistani became outraged and said this was unfair. He threw a huge tantrum. When she was no longer talking, he announced that she had a "small brain" and said she was afraid to talk because she knew the Pakistani was correct and had won the argument.

Oh, so he thinks that constitutes "winning"? Amazing what some people will convince themselves of.....and what it reveals about them.

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