Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prove that there are 50,000 Illegal Irish

Some of the pushy Irish in Skypeland claimed that my statistics about Irish immigration were irrelevant since statistics are always lies.

I was asked about the number of illegal Irish immigrants in the US, and I said I had read that it was about 50,000. I was immediately attacked and so I said I would get some links containing this information:,0,7661039.column?coll=la-opinion-columnists

Some people said these were not of any value since they were not government statistics. Others said that government statistics were all lies and were not worth anything. One Irishman claimed that the reason there were 50,000 illegal Irish in the US was that the law was changed to make it unfair to Irish to allow in more people from South America. However, these are the same people who claim that the US is unfair because the US does not let in a greater proportion of people from South America. Can't have it both ways...

I recited the statistics I had found in the article comparing American and Irish immigration statistics. This drove the people in the skypecast crazy and finally the person who had called Americans selfish and greedy and racist threw a tantrum and logged off in a huff. Ah...nice...

People just wanted to fight and fight and fight. Ugh...

[9:50:07 PM] N says: u are right there is 50000 illegal irish i know a few of them they want to get legalised

[10:06:02 PM] PP says: so do the other 20 or 30 million

[10:06:03 PM] PP says: so what

[10:08:10 PM] N says: they were but congress wouldnt pass imegration law that why there a problem

[10:08:29 PM] PP says: well i dont care that they are here

[10:08:42 PM] PP says: but I do NOT like being called a racist and selfish and on and on and on

[10:08:46 PM] PP says: when the data do not support it

[10:08:58 PM] PP says: coming from someone from a country that is 98% europena

[10:09:08 PM] PP says: with your federal judges making racist statements

[10:09:18 PM] PP says: and with your illegal immigrant raids all in the press

[10:09:31 PM] PP says: and you not ever giving refugee status to poor people

[10:09:35 PM] PP says: and putting them 5 to a room

[10:09:59 PM] PP says: and voting at an 80% rate in a referendum to take away the rights of the children born in ireland to foreigners

[10:10:02 PM] PP says: it is a bit much

[10:10:06 PM] PP says: if you want to call us racist

[10:10:10 PM] PP says: look in a mirror first

[10:10:21 PM] PP says: i REALLY am offended by that

[10:10:22 PM] nathy says: yes but they wont do that in the states for the greedy employers wont have cheep labour

[10:10:36 PM] PP says: I live in a neighborhood that is 60% African American

[10:10:38 PM] PP says: so give me a break

[10:10:57 PM] PP says: the USA has plenty of faults

[10:11:05 PM] N says: u have the laws they are not enforced

[10:11:09 PM] PP says: yes we do

[10:11:28 PM] PP says: and if we try to enforce them...people like L scream we are discriminating and are selfish and greedy

[10:11:36 PM] PP says: so....this is what we have

[10:11:46 PM] N says: they are the same as here it beign enforced here

[10:11:47 PM] PP says: you are allowed to enforce your laws and we are not allowed to enforce ours?

[10:11:55 PM] PP says: you are allowed to

[10:11:57 PM] PP says: we are not

[10:11:59 PM] PP says: nice

[10:12:01 PM] PP says: real rational

[10:12:35 PM] N says: now u haved turned something i didnt say read again please

[10:12:56 PM] PP says: I wrote that article with statistics to address what L said

[10:12:58 PM] PP says: not you

[10:13:00 PM] PP says: L

[10:13:07 PM] PP says: and looked them up

[10:13:10 PM] PP says: and researched them

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