Sunday, September 16, 2007

You piece of shit

An Israeli was hosting a room in Skypeland about terrorism in Iraq, Algeria, Lebanon, Israel and Egypt, and was attacked in a firestorm of criticism. I heard them attack her over over, calling her a piece of shit. They were furious and told her that Israel was just created as a place for Jews running away from Hitler to go. When she tried to disagree with this, they cursed her more. She said she read the Koran, and they said, "You read all the Koran? Then you know that 'Those who lie go to the hell'". She asked why they were angry at her, and they said she should ask her parents since she did not know.

I asked him if there were ever any Jews who lived in Israel. He got angry at this. He said, "There is no what they call it Israel now." So I asked what the country with the blue and white flag is. He said "you call it what they want to call it". He claimed, "All the problems in the world is what they call it Israel. I hate that they call it Israel."

Finally, we asked him again what he thought about Iraq. Since he was not able to talk about Palestine and Israel, he quit the room...Oh well...

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