Sunday, September 16, 2007

Room killer

Interestingly, there are a number of people in Skypeland that are "room killers". If these people are allowed into a room, and are given free reign, they quickly destroy a room.

For example, one young lady likes to ask people who are in a serious religious or political discussion about their dating preferences or what type of shoes they wear or how often they go shopping. Quickly, a room that might have been on a serious topic will deteriorate into nonsense after this. Another young lady insists that no matter what the subject of a room is, we change the subject to discuss how wonderful she is. That is her favorite topic of conversation; how nice she is, and what a great person she is.

One young man from Kansas loves to distract people with all kinds of spurious, extraneous nonsense. He has a limited amount of knowledge and loves to inject non sequiturs into a conversation. He will talk about things that he knows nothing about, like the details of depleted uranium, or certain kinds of military tactics, or the general theory of relativity, or the types of speakers one can buy. None of these are ever germane to the topic under discussion, unfortunately.

The conversation in the room was on methods for reducing terrorism in Iraq. However, this young man from Kansas started to talk about the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay instead. He wanted to talk about the potential move of the prisoners from Cuba to Kansas, and about how upset he was about this. He claimed that having the prisoners in Kansas was equivalent to the Katusha rocket attacks in Israel.

The host asked him questions about the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), trying to accommodate this young man and therefore change the topic to suit him. The young Kansas man said that is a very stupid question to ask someone and then gave an example of an even stupider question. He started to yell about an article he had read on this subject, confusing the words "president" and "precedent" and talking about a legal president instead of a legal precedent.

He spewed out a confused stream of nonsense, "I am a Polish immigrant and not a US immigrant... Hope your mom is proud... You really play jump rope with those words like that. What does PB and J stand for?" (He was drawing an analogy to UCMJ.) He went on and on, saying, "How did you know it was peanut butter and jelly? You are clearly a Jewish Queen since you know that..."

He was asked again about military justice, and responded, "Sorry what was the question? Sorry, I was urinating. No, no I am serious, I really was doing something in my toilet." He went on and on about this. Four or five more times the Kansas man tried to describe in detail what he did in the bathroom but people tried to ignore this. The more people tried to ignore him, the more this young man wanted to describe his recent urination.

He pretended to be John Wayne and drawled and made all kinds of strange statements. "I am going to have 1000 prisoners who are not allowed to have legal rights near my house. It brings up a very legal question. I will not participate in that. " He was asked if there are lawyers under the UMCJ. He said anyone who said they had lawyers under UCMJ meant they were brainwashed.

We tried to drop him to listening but others objected so we allowed him to talk, much to my amusement. "Hey people I just stepped on a thumbtack today and it just pissed the hell out of me. You bother us with your personal life. After all, you are Jewish. You bombed Syria. You just invaded Syria. It was about bombing kindergarden children." He was told the Israeli military had bombed a Syrian nuclear reactor, not a kindergarden.

He started to rant and rave about how awful it was that this story about the Syrian reactor bombing was not in the US news; "Maybe Israel does not lie to their people like America does". I went and found a huge number of media accounts on the subject in US news accounts.

He pretended to be unable to talk and fumbled over his words on purpose. He finally was asked about what he thought about people who distract others from serious topics. He pretended he had heard the word "subtract", not "distract", even though the question was repeated several times. Several times in a row he pretended that he had heard the word "subtract" instead of the word "distract". At this point, the host had had enough and he was removed from the talking area and put into listening. Oh well, at least we tried. However, we knew what the result would be.

Here is a sequence of messages this young Kansas man sent me on this subject:,1,969658.story

[7:32:07 PM] fz says: this is next door to me
[7:32:43 PM] fz says: a funny thing never made the kansas news
[7:33:01 PM] fz says: now kansas news paper carried it or even mentioned it
[7:34:18 PM] fz says: no this carries a few draw backs.......kansans by nature are stupid so if a prison abuse is going to happen it will happen here plus this marks to my knowledge first time people are kept in american prison without any rights
[7:35:07 PM] fz says: im sure 100 yrs ago you can find an example
[7:35:17 PM] fz says: but in the media age
[8:31:10 PM] fz says: go bob go
[8:34:28 PM] fz says: bob nose the trooth
[8:55:40 PM] fz says: wyd yaalll kill jeeeessuz
[8:59:55 PM] fz says: jjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzuuuuuuusssssss never did no wrong jew
[11:26:11 PM] fz says: wont let me speak
[11:38:04 PM] fz says: bob fair and balanced
[11:38:21 PM] fz says: iignorant fuck

Such a nice rational young man...

Here is a news account describing the legal situation of the Guantanamo Bay prisoners:,0,3946322.story

In a religious cast recently where we were having a serious discussion about creationism, he insisted on coming up and butting in to lecture us about J. R. "Bob" Dobbs and the Church of the Subgenius. It was pure nonsense and totally off-topic, of course. It did not take long for the host to drop him, thank goodness. He was furious at this and frantic to get back into talking to disrupt the discussion and spew nonsense. What is it that drives these people?

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