Saturday, September 15, 2007

Evolution does not increase information

There are many who come to Skypeland to promote religious agendas. One creationist character stated that evolution was just the change of species over time, which is correct. I thought wow, this is a creationist who actually has a clue and has the definition correct.

Then the creationist claimed that "evolutionists" believe that evolution means "goo to you, through the zoo" and is associated with atheism and things like bad social behavior and social ills. Ah, the classic anti-evolution argument of the creationists!
However, this time, he introduced it with a slight twist; he agreed with the correct definition of evolution, but still tried to impose the incorrect definition by fiat on those he viewed as the "opposition" (a classic "straw man" fallacy).

He then started on the fallacious "2nd law of thermodynamics argument" which is common among creationists, and the claim that there is never an observed increase of information by evolutionary processes, both of which are incorrect:
I said that most scientists (well over 99.9% of professional biologists) disagree with him:
He disagreed and cut me off, and dropped me into listening. He used the creationist standard argument that "evolution is just a religion":
It was almost impossible to argue with him since he had his hand on the controls of the room and could just grandstand to his heart's content, and drop the opposition. Then the room was hacked and he was booted. God's will?

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