Sunday, September 30, 2007

Random calls

Sometimes in Skypeland, one gets random calls. I usually do not answer them, but in this instance I decided to find out what the person wanted.

I was called repeatedly and tried to send him instant messages instead, at the start:

[1:04:21 PM] PP says: hello?

[1:05:07 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: I need you plees

[1:05:16 PM] PP says: ?

[1:05:17 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: take me plees naw

[1:05:32 PM] PP says: huh?

[1:05:36 PM] PP says: what are you talking about

[1:05:46 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: take me plees naw

[1:05:50 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: take me plees naw

[1:05:53 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: take me plees naw

[1:05:59 PM] PP says: you do not speak english?

[1:06:09 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: ;(;(;(

[1:06:14 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: no

[1:06:28 PM] PP says: i only speak English

[1:06:30 PM] PP says: I am sorry

[1:06:47 PM] الشــــــــــاطـر says: speak English

Finally, I answered the call. I asked if this person spoke English. He said he did, and was a teacher in Egypt. He asked what my name was. I told him (it was in my profile already). He asked where I was from. As soon as he heard I was in the United States, which was in my profile already, he apologized and hung up. Hmm...

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