Sunday, September 2, 2007

Muslims have never done a thing wrong

One thing that I find a bit disconcerting about my encounters in Skypeland is the tendency for many Muslims to subscribe to some serious defensiveness. While I have had many many Muslims tell me that the United States is the center of all evil in the world and should be wiped off the face of the map and all Americans killed summarily, I have almost never found a single Muslim who will admit that a single Muslim ever, in the entire history of Islam, has ever made a mistake or done anything wrong or evil. I see...

They claim they want peace, but peace to them means the world after I and other Americans are dead and the US and the rest of the west destroyed. If they say they want democracy, but they define democracy to include my death and that of everyone who is not Muslim. They want freedom, but to them freedom means freedom from all nonMuslims and death to everyone who is not Muslim. When I say the US does not want Sharia law, they are stunned and do not understand why not. I see....

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