Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pearl Harbor? What is that?

One can hear some amazing things in casts. A discussion of two Arab men I listened to in Skypeland went over the standard themes; Sadam was a great leader. Iraqis were happy under Sadam. There was no such thing as Pearl Harbor. The US killed millions of Japanese with 2 atomic bombs by destroying two of the largest cities in Japan, because the Japanese were beating the US in battles over and over. The US destroyed the World Trade Center. The US is losing in Iraq. And so on and so forth...

They wanted the US to attack Iran so Iran can destroy the US, which they were sure would happen. One Indian guy was defending the US and the others were livid at him. People tried to decide if he was Jewish, since he was defending the United States. One guy said he can tell if Jewish people are in the room. He sniffed loudly, and said, "sniff sniff... I can smell Jews when they enter the room".

Finally I could not take it any longer. I interrupted to join with the man from India saying we should live in peace with each other. This made them furious and they accused me of racism for saying we should live together in peace. One Arab guy interrupted and said "We have filthy Indians all over the Middle East; they are pieces of shit. You are Indian, you are nothing." They threatened to kill us both repeatedly. I asked if this is what they meant by following a religion of peace, and they were even angrier.

The two Arab guys were living in Europe. One of them lives in the Netherlands, where he went as a refugee, probably in the mid-1980s. He had previously claimed to some friends of mine that his family had to leave behind all their possessions and property when they fled, and a Shiite family was now living in their house.

These two Arab guys said that the US was not wanted in Arab countries and should get out and just go home (this was after complaining that the US had not removed the authoritarian leadership in various Arab countries...hmm...Damned if you do, damned if you don't). I asked these two young men why they didnt go home then themselves, since they both lived in the West, which they seemed to despise. I said, "Why do you live in the West, if it was so awful?" One said it was only for fucking women since the women in the West were so beautiful. Ah I see....

I asked where they got their computers and cars and internet from, if they thought the US and the West was so evil. They said that they had the best cars in the Middle East and bragged and bragged. I asked where they got their cars from. They said from Japan and Asia of course. So I asked if Japan was a Muslim country. They did not have much of a response.

They said that Westerners were afraid of them. I pointed out that with all this talk of war and killing, of course people were afraid of them; I said they would be afraid if someone spoke like that too.

They called me an animal over and over, "You are just an animal". I told them we are all animals, because of evolution and Darwin. They really had no good response to that and were a bit taken aback. Finally they had no response, so they started talking in Arabic. And I left.

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