Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You kill me, I kill you

Many times in Skypeland I have Muslims threaten to kill me. Interestingly, if I point out that I can threaten them in the same way, they are often taken aback, and/or think it is unfair. Some claim it is part of Muslim culture, or just a joke that Arabs always play, but they take tremendous offense if anyone says it to them.

One thing I have noticed is how few Muslims/Arabs understand what sort of weaponry the US has at its disposal. When I talk to them what nuclear weapons are capable of, many of them refuse to believe it. Some will even claim that the US has already used nuclear weapons on the Iraqis and it has failed to have any effect, because they have Allah on their side. Some will take another tack, and claim the US is evil for having used atomic bombs in Japan, although they know almost no details about World War II.

The depth of ignorance is astounding....

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