Sunday, September 2, 2007

15,000 dollars is too much to save life on earth?

Another interesting adventure I had in Skypeland was associated with a few conversations with a scientist who mans an observatory in Australia. This observatory is mounting an automated effort to survey the southern skies for incoming asteroids which could eliminate all human life on earth. The northern skies are already being watched, and there is even a United Nations office that writes reports about this effort. However, somewhat disconcertingly, the southern skies are unwatched.

This observatory needs about 15 thousand dollars for a telegraph mount for an automated system to watch the southern skies. And we had an educated gentleman who came to the room to "prove" to us, using probability and numbers and double-talk, that the West is evil and will not spend 15,000$ to avoid destruction of all life on earth.

And went on for hours and hours about it. Pleased with himself and full of vanity and conceit. Amazing.

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