Sunday, September 9, 2007

A bit drunk...

Sometimes people who are normally rational get drunk or stoned and then behave very strangely in Skypeland. One person I knew fairly well was pretty drunk and would not let others talk. I tried to keep him quiet and it irritated him:

[6:19:35 PM] RS says: hi
[6:20:08 PM] RS says: hmm how is the woman from germany?
[6:20:25 PM] Bob in MD says: haha
[6:20:27 PM] Bob in MD says: see my blog
[6:20:43 PM] RS says: ok checked
[6:21:01 PM] RS says: how are you?
[6:21:51 PM] Bob in MD says: i am ok
[6:23:14 PM] RS says: in 13 hours i will be register into a university. then i am official a student.
[6:50:19 PM] Bob in MD says: shhhhhh
[6:50:37 PM] RS says: ?
[6:52:07 PM] Bob in MD says: SHUT UP
[6:52:10 PM] Bob in MD says: let R talk
[6:52:13 PM] Bob in MD says: you make no sense
[6:52:39 PM] RS says: oh men you have a metal disorder
[6:53:10 PM] Bob in MD says: SHHHHHHHH
[6:53:16 PM] Bob in MD says: or i will rip you a new one
[6:54:59 PM] RS says: try that i have nothing fear.
[6:55:07 PM] Bob in MD says: haha
[6:55:12 PM] Bob in MD says: let R talk
[6:55:25 PM] RS says: have i say something?
[6:55:33 PM] Bob in MD says: you did before
[6:55:34 PM] RS says: i think not
[6:55:36 PM] Bob in MD says: still stay quiet
[6:56:02 PM] RS says: haha you are an a dictator (rofl)
[6:57:16 PM] RS says: men you are a only a little lonely guy and i must laughting about you small boy. go home idoit .
[6:58:38 PM] Bob in MD says: what on earth is wrong with you tonight?
[7:00:32 PM] RS says: you have a mental disorder . RC say you joke only . R say: he do this because he like it he is ok. he is very smart and he just be funny.
[7:01:01 PM] RS says: but i am think you have this illness: her is a information: Hebephrenic schizophrenia

He continued to drink more and more and then we had the singular pleasure of hearing him vomit all over himself and probably his computer keyboard.

Then he sent me another few messages:

I sent him the message "oops"
[9:44:36 PM] RS says: oops ? is that the only word that you can say
[9:47:51 PM] Bob in MD says: haha.....
[9:49:34 PM] RS says: ? why laughting you men ?"33knfn
[9:50:06 PM] RS says: i hav e drik a lot of (symbols of alcohol)
maybe i become now a alcoholic intoxication and will be die i hope you became happy .

He also sent some text messages to a friend during this time:
[9/10/2007 1:20:24 AM] RS says: how are you?

[9/10/2007 1:23:24 AM] RS says: in 13 hours i will be register into a university. then i am official a student.

[9/10/2007 1:29:52 AM] RS says: maybe bob has this illness called Schizophrenia the disorganized type: named 'hebephrenic schizophrenia' in the ICD. Where thought disorder and flat affect are present together (DSM code 295.1/ICD code F20.1)

[9/10/2007 1:35:50 AM] RS says: her is a information: Hebephrenic schizophreniaA form of schizophrenia in which affective changes are prominent, delusions and hallucinations fleeting and fragmentary, behaviour irresponsible and unpredictable, and mannerisms common. The mood is shallow and inappropriate, thought is disorganized, and speech is incoherent. There is a tendency to social isolation. Usually the prognosis is poor because of the rapid development of "negative" symptoms, particularly flattening of affect and loss of volition. Hebephrenia should normally be diagnosed only in adolescents or young adults.Disorganized schizophreniaHebephrenia

[9/10/2007 1:36:23 AM] RC says: he do this because he like it he is ok

[9/10/2007 1:37:21 AM] RS says: and i think he is acting this or he is really so. someone became people crasy in this way also with acting

[9/10/2007 1:39:15 AM] RC says: he is very smart

[9/10/2007 1:41:50 AM] RS says: for my this that not important . i see that from the medical side

[9/10/2007 1:42:08 AM] RC says: he just be funny

[9/10/2007 1:43:22 AM] RS says: yes maybe but i am have not such a bad behavior as bob

[9/10/2007 1:52:24 AM] RC says: let R tell them ok

[9/10/2007 1:52:29 AM] RC says: he lives there

[9/10/2007 1:54:19 AM] RS says: and i will be say only three words about a latin word

[9/10/2007 1:54:34 AM] RS says: and bob is a idoit

[9/10/2007 3:32:04 AM] RS says: hello is some there?

[9/10/2007 3:41:11 AM] RS says: are you there?

[9/10/2007 3:41:29 AM] RC says: yes

[9/10/2007 3:41:42 AM] RC says: i am try get in bob

[9/10/2007 3:42:28 AM] RS says: i cant find the cast of Y. i have hear from some peoples that the cast become crasy is this correct?

[9/10/2007 3:43:32 AM] RC says: oh the guy that drunk start on israel\

[9/10/2007 3:43:37 AM] RC says: how bad we are

[9/10/2007 3:43:48 AM] RC says: so i left to go bobs room

[9/10/2007 3:44:31 AM] RS says: my internet connection was brocken down and i have need more than hour to repair that

[9/10/2007 3:44:35 AM] RS says: one

[9/10/2007 3:44:48 AM] RS says: bob have a room?

[9/10/2007 3:45:07 AM] RS says: oh holy shit (puke)(puke)(puke)

[9/10/2007 3:45:21 AM] RS says: i will my revenge

[9/10/2007 3:46:05 AM] RS says: be

[9/10/2007 3:46:37 AM] RS says: i am so angry about bob you must now i am so angry :@:@:@

[9/10/2007 3:48:05 AM] RC says: well i cant talk about him both of you are my friend

[9/10/2007 3:49:07 AM] RS says: bob is the gay fuckhole of a spongebob ]:)]:)]:)

[9/10/2007 3:49:33 AM] RC says: i said i dont want talk about him he is my friend

[9/10/2007 3:49:43 AM] RS says: yeah yeah i know

[9/10/2007 3:50:19 AM] RS says: ok i try to join his damm shit hole room. lets begin the battle 8-)

[9/10/2007 3:50:37 AM] RC says: (rofl)

[9/10/2007 3:53:38 AM] RS says: bob or better spongebob is only a silly men. but i am a bloddy fighter without any comedian words. he is a bad actor but i am a pitiless guy. bob i am your death

[9/10/2007 3:53:45 AM] RS says: (devil)

[9/10/2007 3:54:45 AM] RC says:

[9/10/2007 3:54:53 AM] RC says: this jeffery

[9/10/2007 3:54:55 AM] RC says: room

[9/10/2007 3:55:00 AM] RS says: ok

[9/10/2007 4:04:21 AM] RS says: is bob a unnormal joker or what?

[9/10/2007 4:05:29 AM] RC says: come on

[9/10/2007 4:06:22 AM] RS says: why?

[9/10/2007 4:06:59 AM] RC says: i am both your friends

[9/10/2007 4:07:28 AM] RS says: er ein arsch wie im bilderbuch es steht . ich hasse den kerl und werde ihn irgendwann umbringen hahaha

[9/10/2007 4:08:09 AM] RS says: i am so angry that i write now german

[9/10/2007 4:08:20 AM] RC says: i see hehehehe

[9/10/2007 4:08:43 AM] RS says: yeah now i write the full time only german

[9/10/2007 4:09:17 AM] RS says: ja daß wird ein spaß den niemand kann hier deutsch nur ich hahaha

[9/10/2007 4:10:52 AM] RS says: huh der wichser bob ist verschwuindem der hat wohl seinen minischwanz eingekiffen typisch der und seine familie ist schei0e

[9/10/2007 4:13:38 AM] RS says: ich bin kein witztiger kerl verstehst du daß. ich total wütend über bob ich will ihn nur noch töten hahah

[9/10/2007 4:14:51 AM] RS says: do you know why i am so angry ?

[9/10/2007 4:15:04 AM] RC says: why

[9/10/2007 4:17:00 AM] RS says: because i do not like apes like bob and i am a little drunken now. i have drink rum + wodka and cola.

[9/10/2007 4:18:37 AM] RS says: (d)(d)(d)

[9/10/2007 4:34:49 AM] RS says: i am back now but i have puke out all the shit of stomach but i drink now the next glass maybe i will die

[9/10/2007 4:35:01 AM] RS says: (puke)

[9/10/2007 4:35:24 AM] RS says: why not i will die die die

[9/10/2007 4:36:35 AM] RS says: i will die alone i am alone

[9/10/2007 4:37:25 AM] RC says: no we are your friends

[9/10/2007 4:37:32 AM] RS says: shit i puke on the whole keyboard

[9/10/2007 4:37:59 AM] RC says: oh no

[9/10/2007 4:40:01 AM] RS says: i have no friends more . i am alone now in my fucking home

[9/10/2007 4:41:18 AM] RC says: oh you will be ok

[9/10/2007 4:41:24 AM] RC says: dont worry

[9/10/2007 4:41:30 AM] RS says: so i finish the bottle.

[9/10/2007 5:01:55 AM] RS says: is some one others from germany or what?

[9/10/2007 5:05:45 AM] RS says: do you know why i am not will sleep?

[9/10/2007 5:05:57 AM] RC says: why

[9/10/2007 5:06:04 AM] RC says: you better rest

[9/10/2007 5:07:10 AM] RS says: i have fear that i puke in my sleep and then i smother own my puke . then i am a dead rogue. i am alone here in my room.

[9/10/2007 5:09:06 AM] RC says: sleep on your side or sit up

[9/10/2007 5:09:12 AM] RC says: dont lay down

[9/10/2007 5:15:37 AM] RS says: so i have take now a second bottle in hand shit this no alcohol i take the wrong bottle this is lemon

[9/10/2007 5:16:02 AM] RC says: stop drink

[9/10/2007 5:16:19 AM] RS says: why?

[9/10/2007 5:18:49 AM] RS says: why the guys are fighting?

[9/10/2007 5:19:08 AM] RC says: i dont know

[9/10/2007 5:19:23 AM] RS says: cool i drink now milk

[9/10/2007 5:19:46 AM] RS says: and eat something

[9/10/2007 5:37:39 AM] RS says: this guy is crasy

[9/10/2007 5:38:01 AM] RS says: this guy is crasy . spongebob is crasy .

[9/10/2007 5:41:15 AM] RS says: (rofl)(rofl)(rofl) funny sounds

[9/10/2007 5:44:51 AM] RS says: a oter drunken guy

Well he did not die....but he was pretty inebriated.

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