Sunday, September 9, 2007

Iraqis don't know about Iraq

My English "friend" (who turns out to be an Irish citizen) I had met about a day before returned to tell an Iraqi, over and over, how little the Iraqi knew about Iraq and the situation there. Others butted-in to express similar opinions. The English/Irish guy said the Iraqi knew nothing about war compared to him, since the English/Irish guy had two cousins who had fought in Vietnam 40 years ago. Ah, yes those really are impressive credentials...

When I tried to keep them quiet, they attacked me. One or two said that all Iraqis were terrorists. I tried to shut them up and disagree and of course I was abused for suggesting this is wrong. I was even told I was mentally ill. Such nice, reasonable people, with such rational views...

A German lady ranted and raved about the lack of WMD and challenged the Iraqi about this. When the Iraqi tried to discuss it, they shouted him down. The Iraqi tried to suggest that there was reason to believe that the WMD were in Syria, but the German "lady" and the guy from Ireland/England just jumped all over him for this and would not let him discuss it.

The Iraqi tried to express his gratitude for having freedom, and the English/Irish man attacked him over and over for being brainwashed. Our English/Irish visitor was clearly in a drunken stupor again and admitted he drinks a lot (although a day or so previously he claimed he never drinks alcohol).

The German lady asked what the Iraqi was doing to help his country. He started talking about the 3 elections and she told him "fuck that". She was extremely angry at the Iraqi for his response, which she cut off summarily. The English/Irish man was also furious and offended because the Iraqi thought he knew more about Iraq than the German lady. The Englishman called the Iraqi a dick. When the Iraqi tried to talk about how awful it was to live under Sadam, the German lady disagreed with him. Amazing. The German lady claimed that any bad behavior or cruelty of Sadam was justified because Sadam had a reason for this. The German lady claimed that life was much better under Sadam for Iraqis than at present, and disagreed vehemently with the Iraqi. When the Iraqi doctor said his salary under Sadam was $1.50 a month and life was so hard he had to sell his furniture, the German lady was sarcastic and obnoxious about it, making crying sounds and behaving like a child. When the Iraqi talked about how many Saudis and other foreigners are in Iraqi jails for creating chaos in Iraq, the English/Irish man just ranted and raved and said over and over "be fair be fair, those are freedom fighters".

They asked the German lady where Germany would be without the USA. When people suggested that Germany would still be under the Nazis, the German lady claimed, loudly and petulantly, that this was "bullshit". She said her son is in the US military, but he never signed up or joined the US military. Well, I didn't realize that there was a draft now in the US. Amazing what one learns, isn't it?

The English/Irish man just cursed and cursed the Iraqi for his attitude. The English/Irish man was pleased to call the Iraqi, a medical doctor, ignorant and stupid, which he said repeatedly. It was hilarious to hear this as the English/Irish man relit his bong. The English/Irish man said that the Iraqis did not need democracy because the English/Irish man claimed he was a "free radical thinker" (nothing like demonstrating your ignorance, unless he likes to think about Chemistry:

The English/Irish man claimed that there is only money in war, and JFK proved it (oh really?). The Iraqi said Iraq wanted democracy and the Englishman repeated over and over that the Iraqis only wanted to have large cars and fancy houses, over and over and over. This English/Irish guy claimed that the Iraqi had confirmed this, which he had not. I tried to disagree and several in the room became angry with me.

The Englishman claimed that the only things that were WMD were nuclear weapons and SCUD missiles. An Israeli lady asked if he knew what Sadam had killed the Kurds with. Although the English/Irish guy knew it was gas or some "bad shit", some in the cast immediately started to attack the Israeli for being from an aggressive jackbooted country brutalizing the Palestinians. The English/Irish guy called the Israeli lady an "Israeli whore". Ah, how nice...and so reasonable too !

The English/Irish man claimed that since he would not have heard about Sadam without the war, he thought the war was bad. He did not want to be bothered with this kind of information. As soon as the Israeli mentioned that even though the outside world would not have heard about Sadam without the current war, the Iraqis would have still known about Sadam. The German and the English/Irish man attacked the Iraqi and the Israeli for this attitude. The Iraqi was pretty annoyed that these "free radical thinkers" just viewed Sadam as an annoyance that they did not want to hear about, did want to know about, and were angry that this information had been thrust into their consciousness by the Iraqi War. They would have felt better if they could just ignore Sadam and his actions I guess.

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