Monday, September 3, 2007

A "come-to-Jesus" meetin'

It is very common in Skypeland to come across casts with creationists of various stripes trying to convert the great unwashed, or with Christian evangelists preaching away or arguing with the "unsaved". I notice how poorly prepared some of these Skype preachers seem to be. They often do not know the bible very well or even the common arguments and evidence presented by serious creationists. And when I disagree, they all resort to the same sort of response; they shut off my microphone, eject me from the cast, or talk over me, and sometimes fly into a rage. Cognitive dissonance can be hard I guess...

I even had quite a conversation with some young men from Answers in Genesis:
who preach regularly on Skype. I was shocked at the shallowness of their arguments and how little they knew about the bible, religion or science.
And of course, they were frantic to shut me up because they had no response to my statements. They tried one of the most common creationist and fundamentalist tactics; they tried to guess my personal beliefs so they could attack me on that basis. I mentioned Arianism because I knew they might try the trick of claiming that important scientists in the past like Sir Isaac Newton were creationists, and I knew Newton was not a biblical literalist at all, but closer to an Arianist. They guessed that I was a Roman Catholic, because I know this group hates Catholics with a passion, calling them worse than atheists; to them, Catholics might as well be devil worshippers and the Pope is the anti-Christ. Sorry boys, wrong again...

They ended up talking over me for several minutes, and then turning off my microphone when this did not work and I was ruining their preaching. After I left the room, I was told they did several minutes of "damage control", trying to recover their previous momentum. Well, at least I gave them some excitement...

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