Sunday, September 2, 2007

Conspiracy Theories Aplenty!

Who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory? Skypeland is absolutely brimming with conspiracy theories of all types. I am dazzled over and over at what people believe, and at what they claim is "proven fact":

*The US never had a revolution, and is still secretly part of England

*The US Federal Reserve bank secretly hired the European countries to fight each other in World War I, since they were bankrupt and could not afford a war

*The US is secretly planning to invade Brazil to take over the Amazon and steal all the water.

*The evil US government secretly removed the Apocrypha and the Pseudopigrahia from the bible.

*The food companies lace all the food in the United States secretly with cocaine.

*The 9/11 attack on the US was because of the UN sanctions that were placed on Iraq causing the death of 500,000 children.

*Other countries are paying the US to stage attacks around the world and act like the world's policeman.

*China and Russia mounted the 9/11 attack on the US.

*The US went to Iraq to clean out the US government coffers because a US government surplus in the treasury is bad.

*The US is secretly going to reinstall the Taliban in Afghanistan so they can stay in Afghanistan.

*Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was working secretly with the Iraqi Republican Guard, and to cover this up, the US government executed him quickly so he could not talk.

*Chemtrails and fluoride are part of a vast conspiracy on the part of the US government to control the minds of the people.

*Allah is secretly Satan.

*South America secretly controls North America through cocaine since every single American is addicted to cocaine.

*Rockefeller was not content at being the richest man on planet earth, but wanted to be the richest man in the Universe, so he started the Federal Reserve to do it.

*The US is secretly controlled by Armenians behind the scenes. A large fraction of the US government people are Armenians. Most of the Western governments are infested with Armenians.

*There are no laws at all in the USA. There is no legal authority for laws in the US.

*The US is run by the legal profession, which is secretly beholden to the bar of the United Kingdom, which was imported by the founding fathers.

*The US is just full of Zionist slaves.

*The recent Islamist government elected in Turkey was secretly installed by the CIA.

*The Swiss Francs are made from amalgam taken out of the teeth of the Jews killed in the Holocaust.

*Humans have been living on base on a moon of Saturn for over 100 years, secretly.

*The US attacked Serbia to get its oil, which is still secret since it has not yet been discovered.

*Milosevic was never captured and put on trial. This is all propanda and fake news put out by the CIA.

*Turkey is lost because the current president's wife is the daughter of one of the Iranian Ayatollah. She is going to be the minister of Education and will use this position to brainwash the young. No Westerners will be welcome in Turkey any more.

*The Wahabi Sect in Saudi Arabia, started in the mid-1700s, was created secretly by the CIA as an evil plot. They are not real Muslims.

*The US plans to divide Turkey into three so it can make Turkey a Christian nation, and steal its oil, which is yet to be discovered (or at least not much has been found yet).

*The CIA and the Jesuits are part of the Federal Reserve, which is a division of the Vatican.

*The US is supporting Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan at the moment, and is not fighting against them as reported in the media.

*The West stole all the knowledge from the Arabs 1000 years ago which is why they are so poor and backwards and ignorant. Most of this knowledge is locked in the Vatican basement.

*The US attacked its own people on 9/11. Bin Laden works for the US Government. All Muslims fighting each other are being paid by the CIA to fight, or are being tricked by the CIA to fight. The fighting between Muslims is not real, and is only fake news in the evil media controlled by the filthy Jews.

*The Jews were secretly created by the Masons, who are the same as the Rothschilds, to do their dirty work.

*The 9/11 event, the death of Princess Diana and Global Warming are all connected and are part of a complicated global conspiracy mounted by the CIA, secretly.

*The Americans are secretly installing Islamic governments in Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey and other countries to satisfy the UK, because the UK favors encouraging radical Islamic governments because they keep the Muslims easier to control.

*And of course, garden variety Holocaust-denialism, AIDs-denialism and other assorted inanities.

I could fill pages with the amazing conspiracies I have heard. On and on. Incredible drivel. How do people believe such stuff?

Addendum: Some people are fighting back. Here is a recent cast in Skypeland:

WHAT IS A CONSPIRACY JERK? Is it one that believes that there are about nine of the 911 hi-jackers identified as being on the planes that hit the NY towers; and are now walking around the streets of various countries? What a sick JOKE the report has to be! If it was true then EVERY; TV , RADIO, NEWSPAPER, MAGAZINE, etc investigative reporter would be hot on this trail, and they would make ZILLIONS on main street media sales. My opinion is said can anyone beleive this stuff?

Related Web address

dumb waste loser time lost un educated killers liars stupid

Addendum 2: When I am confronted with claims of conspiracy, I am likely to apply Hanlon's Razor (possibly Heinlein's Razor), that what appears as conspiracy is more likely to be incompetence. The British counterpart of this is due to Sir Bernard Ingram, who is claimed to have said, "cock-up before conspiracy".

Addendum 3: Here is another skypecast in Skypeland trying to fight back against conspiracy theories:

View and Discuss (16) 911 USA PENTAGON damage Pictures (in profile and cast description). The USA Pentagon damage was caused by an AIRCRAFT, NOT a MISSILE. The 911 video creators should be JAILED for Committing what appears to be FRAUD, imo

Sixteen pictures of damage to the pentagon should convince even the MOST IGNORANT persons that the 911 videos produced by hateful "FRENCH" high school graduates FOOLED all of you CONSPIRACY believers. AND! you conspiracy types have wreaked a horrible false message and image to the world about the USA. SHAME on ALL OF YOU CONSPIRACY CRAZIES! How much more human death occurred in other lands because of YOUR ignorance? "It was and isnide job", really ?
Related Web address

Addendum 4: Here is a website listing 10 particularly amazing "conspiracy theories":

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