Tuesday, September 4, 2007

He knows the truth but won't tell

Many religious people in Skypeland love to discuss their faith. One interesting encounter I have had is with a gentleman that I have met a few times who seems to have a very strange outlook. He claims to be a Christian, and lectured us that we were confusing "True Christians" with "Hypocritical Christians". When we asked him how to tell the difference, he smirked that he was under no obligation to tell us. Then when we asked him to help us since he had special knowledge that we did not have, he claimed he did not have any special knowledge, and that he had never suggested that he did. And on and on and on, around and around in circles.

The only thing I got him to admit was that to him, Catholics are not Christians. As a friend says, he is a "I- know-and-I-won't-tell" kind of Christian. And very pleased with himself. And anxious to attack others and mock them for being ignorant and stupid. He sneered that me, being a scientist, should be an expert in the bible. I tried to point out that there was a difference between physics and theology. But this just made him clearly angrier and feel even more superior and conceited. Ah...such a fine example of a "True Christian".

He then wanted to push the view that Creationism and Intelligent Design were no threat to science. I countered with the example of Al Ghazali ruining science in the Islamic world. After a few snarled retorts, he was unable to mount a meaningful response. But he was still smugly confident that he was right. He also was positive that the United States was soon to be destroyed. I tried to understand if this was because of some apocalyptic vision or prophecy, but he did not give out any information.

He was loaded with special information and insights he claimed, but not able or willing to divulge any of it aside from a vague hint or two, and then claiming 5 or 10 seconds later that he had no special information, and had never said that he did. And then he complained how awful I was to talk to and irrational and unreasonable. I would say to him if I could, "Well, if you say so, you are free to believe that...However, I know what I believe. Others are free to make up their own minds accordingly."

I might note that all during this conversation, other people were sending me messages that this person made no sense and struck them as a complete nut. Oh really? And what lead them to that conclusion I wonder?

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