Thursday, September 6, 2007

I will lecture you

In a nice Skypeland room called "Is the bible fact?", I noticed a person who likes to lecture had taken the floor. He asked me for my definitions of the word "fact". I started out by noting that there were many definitions for "fact" in the dictionary. He claimed I was wrong. Since I am a scientist, I gave him two definitions from science (he also claimed to be a "scientist"). He claimed I was wrong. I gave him a rough everyday meaning. He claimed I was wrong. He never gave a definition himself. However, he went on to spew assorted nonsense and adopt a superior attitude. He pretended to be an advanced enlightened being with superior knowledge, which of course he was unable to reveal or impart. Don't you just love that?

He asked how it is that you wake up from a dream. I gave him my answer, based on personal experience. He said I was wrong. We gave him some scientific answers. He said we were wrong. I asked him for his answer. He refused to give it. He said dreams were a different dimension than the waking world. Finally I guessed that he wanted me to say that one goes to sleep in a dream to wake up from a dream. And this seemed to satisfy him.

He wanted to talk about Koran and "Judoism". He talked about how you needed a body to experience this world. He brought in matter and antimatter into religion. Someone claimed he was quoting Jesus. When others asked questions, he objected since they were "preaching", when of course he was doing the same. Our lecturer claimed to not believe anything, and just spewed on with a stream of words. The only difference was, the person the lecturer accused of preaching was able to put two coherent thoughts together.

He loved to pose puzzles with nonsensical answers, which of course he, and only he, was the sole arbiter of. He talked about putting an experience in a box, and said you could not since it would fart itself to death. He would not let anyone else talk, because he wanted to be able to talk unimpeded: "You are talking but you do not now what about. You can experience the answer even if you don't know the answer." He quoted Star Trek as a source for his understanding of Satan. He claimed that the vision of a glowing ball on Star Trek proved that we have good and evil in each of us. "Scientifically speaking, everything is energy, in different wave cycles. So when someone says you are going to be punished, where will they punish you? in a different dimension? No. Because everywhere we look, even in the deepest ocean, we find life. " On and on and on. Ah, it is such a privelege to be in the presence of such deep wisdom and knowledge...

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