Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jews kill and eat babies?

A young man from Brazil who visited us in Skypeland announced that Jews kill children on purpose. When we tried to probe him a bit, he said some ridiculous things. He claimed that the 8000 rockets fired into Israel last year by Palestinians were because the Israelis were terrorists; including the rockets fired into the preschool yard with the message, "this is a gift for the children for the first day of school". He said that the children in Palestine should be doing the fighting for the grownups, since it is a war. He said that no actions of the Palestinians were terrorism; but that the Israelis were terrorists because they kill children. He claimed that Jews should not be in Israel, because they do not belong there. He claimed that by analogy, the Mayoruna Indians (indigenous people from Brazil) should be invited into anyone's house in the United States. Aside from the fact that this analogy does not make any sense, he was unable to further discuss this. He was asked by an Israeli lady who was in Israel first; the Jews or Palestinians. At first he refused to answer, but after several minutes of badgering, he finally said that he did not know. So here he had argued in a frenzy for well over 30 minutes about something that he did not have any information about. He also, and brilliantly claimed that the Jews were Semites but the Palestinians were not. Well, that really tells me a lot about his depth of understanding of the situation, as if I needed more evidence...

He also could not define what a terrorist was; all he really knew was that the Jews were the terrorists. We tried to give him the standard definition of killing civilians intentionally but he refused to listen. He just wanted to argue.

He was later joined by a young lady from the southern US who claimed to watch Palestinian television almost exclusively. A little questioning revealed that she did not know what sorts of shows were on Palestinian television. She challenged the Israeli lady and claimed that it would be impossible for an Israeli to know what was in a Palestinian school textbook. I was fine until I heard her starting to throw around statements like "you axed me a keschun" and then I let her have it. To claim to have a clue, and then shoot off ignorant malarky like that, means she should be taking English lessons from our Ukrainian friend who is now offering English classes over Skype for the low price of 30 dollars an hour (special introductory rate).

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