Saturday, September 8, 2007

If I offended you in any way...

An English "gentleman" in Skypeland asked me why I was writing this blog and started to criticize me for writing the blog. He wanted to know if I was worried about libel if I put people's real names in the blog. I said I was not an expert on international libel law, and even if there were no problems with libel laws, I did not feel it was appropriate to put people's real names in the blog. This seemed to annoy him.

He thought the blog was a bit "acidic". He was particularly worried that my account of the "stoned cast" was a bit harsh. He asked me if it was a general account or a description of just one person. I said some of stories in this blog were about one person, and some were about a few people, and some were just general impressions. I said the "stoned" entry was just a general impression and not about any one person. He became irritated and claimed I was lying since it was not about just one person and he maintained that I had previously said it was just about one person. I started to realize that this character was having a problem with comprehension. And he also got angry at the drop of a hat and started to spew nonsense. Ah I thought, a live one.

He then asked me again why I was writing the blog. I said I was having many interesting experiences in Skypeland and I was keeping a record of it for my own benefit and to amuse my friends. He repeatedly attacked me for not answering his question, and I soon realized that this "gentleman" was not able to follow a conversation, a rational discussion or absorb anything I was saying. Ah yes, one of those great geniuses of our time.

He said he was superior, and if I was as good as him, and had been on Skype as long as he had, I would realize that there were a variety of different people on Skype. He said that since I was not as good as him, I had written something like this blog. Well that sounds like excellent logic, doesn't it?

I was contemplating giving a few more reasons for writing this blog, when the room descended into a cacaphony of nonsense of people playing music, cursing, angry fighting and people yelling at me. It was a bit hard to type while all this was going on. The original interrogator proudly announced that he had never graduated from school but was far smarter than me and disagreed with most of the writings in my blog. He announced that he loved to get drunk on the weekends and get into fights. He said he had more intelligence than me in his "spunk".

He read out the titles of a few of the articles on this blog, muttering a few incoherent complaints about each one. A few people messaged me that obviously this person was unable to read past the titles of the blog entries. I had noticed that as well. He seemed to read the titles of these blog articles and take offense at them, without understanding the content at all. This one is a deep thinker, that is for sure...

I figured I needed more material for this blog entry, so I tried to arrange to talk to him in a situation with less background noise. I sent him a few text messages to try to set this up. He could not seem to understand the vagaries of the present version of Skype software, replete with all its bugs, and could not understand why we could not talk in a Skypecast room easily. Finally I got him to call me, since Skype was acting up and I could not get into a room (he wouldn't pick up when I called him about 20 times, since he said talking one-on-one was being like a "faggot". Although I tried to get him to add a third person, he was unable to comprehend the request, so I gave up.).

Here are some notes taken while he was making some profound and insightful comments: "For the first 5 minutes you was puttin up a good "inelleshul" argument. That was when the "arument" between you and me said. You start thinking you are above everyone else. You was starting the downgrading. I am 15 times and 25 times more capable of having an intellectual conversation than you. Write what a limey fuck I am. Dude that is why I turn off my computer and I don't get too worried. You are just a newcomer. You have no formal education. You have been physically abused I can imagine. Izzat make sense? I have hit a bone there 'aven' I? I am sorry to hit a bone there. I have studied people for 25 years and I know what kinda people they are within 3 minutes of meeting them. I am gunna pray for your tonight because you are a lost soul and you are lookin to skype for answers and skype won't have no answers. Remember your father was carrying you when you see only one set of footprints in the sand. You are ever written me in there I would be consulting lawyers in the morning if it had my real name and my real address in there. Listen son you picked the wrong person to fuck with. I know the person you are. You are bitter and twisted. You are against the world. This is like playing chess against a 2 year old. You are repressed. You want to explain software to me? I am slurring because I have a dick in my mouth obviously. If you tell me your real voice and address it is a real offense that I can sue for. Bob, know what I appreciate ? All Americans are not like this. Bob will tomorrow no doubt pull down the archive footage that he has been written about Jews (sometimes he spoke directly to me, and sometimes to a phantom "third person" in the room). You feel like you talking to his grandad who is writing the blog and then to his little child. You aren't very educated fellow. You cannot step up to the plate with me. Write about me tomorrow when you can get your stoned ass out of bed and you are not fucked-up on valium. You made your worst mistake you ever made and started an argument and let's see what inellectual argument you got. I won't ask him too much about himself I am not that "inerested"...(sniffs)...I havent finished with you yet. You are an ignorant fucking cunt. You are a ginger. You have step parents and they are beating you. I abused you and you tell the whole truth. The ginger step child got slapped like a child. That is what has happened tonight. You have been verbally and intellectually abused into a corner. I love that about myself. So you have only been on skypecast about 3 months. Why doesn't that surprise me? With your pity little blog. Such a pathetic waste of time. Nobody reads it. Nobody ever posts a comment on there. Or am I wrong? (sounds like he lights a bong) He has no comments or other comments for other blog users to comment on his blog. Sorry Bob I am talking to you not to you. No comments on any of his blogs. What does that tell you about your blog? (coughs like crazy, as though he is inhaling some sort of smoke) No one is reading it. When you call people limey's you get trouble. Making fun of my accent. (I asked him what my accent was; he said he didn't know and it didnt matter). That is probably why I am at university and 'yur' not."

He threatened me physically a few more times and said I had "fucked" with the wrong guy. He wanted to know why I didn't answer him. I said I was busy updating his blog entry. He asked again. I said it was because all I heard out of him was a stream of non sequiturs and nonsense. He responded, "Non sequiturs? Explain that. Sounds like half English half French." I asked him to guess a few more languages. He got upset and logged off in a huff. Oh well. But by then, I had plenty of material for this blog entry.

He appeared to be drunk or stoned and slurring his words. I asked him if he was, and he said he never drank or took drugs. Hmm....well maybe I believe that. And maybe not.

He spewed a stream of nonsense. He begged me to put his username in this blog entry, but I will decline. This guy is a real piece of work, for sure, although he did not appear to be in his right mind when I talked to him.

After he kept trying to pick a fight with me and tell me how stupid I am and how stupid my blog is and inaccurate, I decided maybe I had a new subject. So after his impressive performance, I thought he might as well be honored with his own blog entry. And this is it. Enjoy.

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