Saturday, September 8, 2007

I want talk to friend my ...Durka durka

Quite often in Skypeland, a couple of non-English speakers will enter an English-only cast and start to talk to each other in their native language. This generally interrupts whatever conversation was in process. They typically object strongly to being asked to speak English. They have no qualms whatsoever about interrupting 30 or 50 or more people discussing some topic and forcing them all to listen to a personal conversation in a language that no one else understands; "Wait wait I conversate with my friend wait wait leesen I have friend and must talk ..." If you allow it to continue, this will stop all other activity in the cast for 5, 10 or 30 minutes. Why do these people not call each other directly? Why do they expect this is reasonable behavior? I am mystified...If you try to stop them, some will cry "racism". Wow...

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