Friday, September 7, 2007

Radio shows

On Skypeland, there are a number of producers of radio shows that show up to record material for their radio shows (sometimes illegally, without the consent of those being recorded). Most of these are shows associated with conspiracy theories.

One evening, a producer of a conspiracy theory radio show showed up to brag about how he had discovered something that would expose how bad the US was during the Black Hawk Down Incident. He had a short 30 second segment containing some important truth about this incident he wanted to play for us.

The Black Hawk Down Incident, also known as the First Battle of Mogadishu, was associated with a failed attempt in 1993 to capture a warlord in Somalia who was blocking the efforts of the Red Cross/Red Crescent and the United Nations to ship food to the starving Somalis:

So we agreed to let this interloper from a radio show play his clip he was so proud of, to tell us a shocking secret about "Black Hawk Down", discrediting the entire operation. It turned out to be the revelation that one of the members of the team had been convicted in 1999 of molesting his own child and is serving 30 years in prison for this. Obviously, this soldier did something bad, and is now being punished.

My response to that story is, so what does this have to do with the US military and the US government and the Battle for Mogadishu? And what exactly does it prove? After all, there are plenty of Catholic priests and others who have been convicted of the same thing. Even the Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h.) is reported to have been involved in similar activities with his extraordinarily young bride.

It is news somehow that there are some criminals in all walks of life, including the US military? This discredits this operation which was staged to allow food shipments through? Am I missing something here?

Well gee, I guess this guy really blew the lid off the secret motives behind the US military operations in Somalia. What a shocking disclosure about the US policy in Mogadishu! What an amazing fact about military methods and operations! This disgraces the Americans, without a doubt. The motivations of the US in the Battle for Mogadishu were definitely laid bare by this 30 second sound bite, weren't they? He totally discredited the actions of the US government in Somalia with that little tidbit. He sure got them with that one, didn't he? How duplicitous of the US government! The reputations of the entire US military and US government are damaged beyond repair by that little nugget. US comportment was really beyond the pale in this instance, for sure. That was a disturbing and offensive exposé of the behavior of the US armed forces, wasn't it? What a loss of stature for the US! What a loss of credibility! How scandalous for those evil Americans and their war mongering! Good heavens. This was the hot important news? Give me a break..

I have to admit I am slightly underwhelmed (can you tell?). The proud peddler of this sound clip was a bit disappointed that he did not get the response he expected from this information. I guess he thought this would make us realize that the US military is evil and involved in illegal operations and activities? That the US should not have tried to save the starving Somalis? The Battle of Mogadishu was an example of the horrible evil Americans attacking poor innocent Muslims to steal their oil?

I really do not understand what sort of reasoning is being employed here (if any). The only end result for me was that this radio producer confirmed my previous impression of him; that he lacks the ability to put together a rational, coherent argument and draw appropriate conclusions from evidence.

But I already knew that already from his blog, statements and profile...This guy revealed more about himself, than about the US, I think. He is a real rocket scientist, clearly...

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