Friday, September 7, 2007

Oh he didn't mean me

Another interesting thing I have noticed in Skypeland is the number of people who do not know what the Holocaust was, or what Hitler's agenda was, or what an Aryan is. I have met Arabs and Chinese and Africans and South Americans who have no idea that Hitler and the Nazi racial superiority programs would have meant that their groups would be slated for annihilation. It is amazing to me how little these people seem to understand about what the threat was. They view the United States and the United Kingdom who stopped this program as being the enemy. They are stunned and reject summarily any suggestion that the Nazis would have wanted to harm them. The naivety and the lack of information is stunning. Clearly, educational systems around the world are sadly lacking.

Look people get it through your heads; if you had brown skin, you were headed for the ovens. If you had anything but blonde hair and blue eyes, you would have been suspect. The Nazis did not give a damn about little brown-skinned people. To them, non-Aryans were classified as subhuman. All brown-skinned and olive-skinned and yellow-skinned people would have been slaughtered wholesale, like they did many many millions of others. The US saved your ancestors and allowed you to continue to live in your countries. That is reality; that is history. Learn it.

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