Sunday, September 2, 2007

A peace treaty for Palestine and Israel?

In the last day or two, Palestine and Israel announced a new Peace Treaty. It might be successful, or it might not be, but anything is worth a try. A news report describing this Peace Treaty is attached at the bottom.

An Israeli and a Palestinian presented this new proposal with the hopes that it might lead to peace in a Skypecast.

However, I was astounded to listen on a Skypecast to Arab after Arab, ALL non-Palestinians, from states around Israel condemn the treaty, sight-unseen. Arabs from Jordan, Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Turkey argued in a frenzy that there should be no peace because there was not "justice", and that the interests and wishes of the Palestians were unimportant in this matter. They also wanted to dredge up past failures, and claim that because the past attempts had failed, no one should try anything new. They all claimed they wanted peace, but then argued fervently for a path that would lead to nothing but more death and killing, and following the same strategy that was tried unsuccessfully for the last 59 years.

I was especially amused and stunned to hear one person from Egypt who refused petulantly to answer any questions put to him, continually changing the topic and engaging in ad hominem attacks and slander. Finally after about two hours of condemning the agreement and making all kinds of incorrect statements about the new agreement, he admitted he had never read it and did not want to. Had never read it, but he knew all about it and was prepared to condemn it! Wow...

Here is the news article about the new plan:

Olmert Offers Judea, Samaria, Divides J'lem in Draft Accord

18 Elul 5767, 01 September 07 11:11 by Gil Ronen(

Israel's government has agreed, in writing, to hand over 6,250 square kilometers of land – the equivalent of its entire biblical and strategic heartland - to an Arab terror state. So reports
Dr. Guy Bechor, a leading expert on Arab affairs, who also supplies some of the details of the negotiations. Bechor reports, based on "leaks from the Palestinian side," that Israel has, in the past few days, presented Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas at least one draft of an "agreement of

The agreement calls for a state named Palestine to be
established alongside Israel, and have a territory of 6,250 square kilometers: the equivalent of all of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. "Palestine" will be demilitarized. Most of the Jewish communities built in Judea and Samaria over the past 40 years are to demolished and their inhabitants expelled, according to
the plan. The remaining communities are to be concentrated in small salients for which the Arab state will be compensated with additional territory elsewhere in present-day Israel. A passage of some sort will connect Gaza and Judea and Samaria. It will be under Jewish sovereignty and Palestinian administration.
Israel agrees to redivide Jerusalem. Arab neighborhoods will be under Arab sovereignty and Jewish ones under Jewish sovereignty. Mention is made of "religious areas," but further details are not known as of yet. Each side will recognize the other's spiritual needs. The "refugee" question is not mentioned
at all, and Bechor reports that this is the main sticking point. Abbas is insisting that Arabs descended from those who fled Israel in 1948 be allowed to return to Israel, at least in principle.Bechor says that Abbas and his men have
gone over the draft and are not pleased; they know how to negotiate, he notes.

In a recent interview with PA TV, Abbas said that "declarations of principles are a waste of time" and "useless." What the PA wants, he said, is a clear timetable for establishing Palestine, as well as an Israeli pullback, demolition of Jewish communities and "return of refugees" (i.e., the flooding of Israel with Arab citizens).

The Arabs are hoping Israel will become more pliable in November, when an international diplomatic conference, sponsored by the US, is to be held in an attempt to hammer out an accord. An official close to Mahmoud Abbas, Mustafa Bargouti, said that the idea of a conference is "an Israeli trap" and that nothing will come of it.

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