Sunday, September 2, 2007

US collaboration with Aliens from Outer Space

I had the singular pleasure of talking to a wide number of people from all over the world on Skypecasts. One interesting feature is the ability to talk to people that I never would be exposed to, particularly those in isolated and closed societies.

One that was quite memorable was a young Muslim training to be a high school teacher in Saudi Arabia. He often would lecture me about how I was going to spend an eternity in hellfire because I was not Muslim, and how being a Muslim gave him superior intellectual powers. He also on a number of occasions, after he had been drinking and smoking pot or hashish (which was obvious, from the sound), he became belligerent and declared that all Jews, Christians, Infidels, Americans etc should be killed summarily. Pure unbridled intolerant hatred and aggression. For hours on end. Amazing.

During one conversation, he told me that he had "proof" that the United States government was collaborating with aliens from outer space at Area 51 in Nevada. His "proof" was a discredited video from Santilli, a British man who tried to sell his fake video for a profit, and eventually admitted it was faked after it had been discredited:,TSHA:2005-20,TSHA:en&q=alien+autopsy#

The young Saudi claimed that this very crude video was an official US Government Documentary and it proved that the US was collaborating with space aliens and had released this video to scare Muslims. Also, he claimed that this proved that the US was building space weapons with the aliens to be able to attack the Muslims.


P.S.: This same gentleman on another occasion told us (while he was in a drug and alcohol-induced stupor) that the superior brainpower that he was endowed with by being a Muslim would let him learn Japanese in one month, better than any native speaker. So far, he has not returned to demonstrate this feat for any of us...

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