Monday, September 3, 2007


In Skypeland, from time to time I meet young men from Serbia. Quite often, they are extremely angry at me and the US for stopping Serbia from slaughtering its neighbors in Bosnia and Kosovo, for example. They claim that the US either wanted to steal Serbia's oil (which has not been discovered yet, if it exists), or to make a base for a later attack on Russia (although when this military action took place, relations between Russia and the US were very positive, and the US has many other closer bases).

Their main argument is that the US is an evil country for intervening and that no one asked them to get involved. This is completely false of course. The US was begged for a couple of years by its European allies to help out because they could not handle it themselves and were being overwhelmed by refugees. Finally, the US deployed military force, leading to a peace which still prevails in the region.

One thing I find quite interesting is that young Serbians will often scream about how I do not understand how Serbs are proud, and because they are proud they have to kill their neighbors for something that happened 800 years ago. And repeat this nonsense over and over. And then whine about how unfair the US is for bombing them. Well, frankly, I do not think this argument is too compelling...I am not particularly convinced. But nice try...

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