Thursday, September 13, 2007

Statistics...that prove...what?

Some people love to try to stir up trouble in Skypeland. One man claiming to be a Palestinian, but living in Jordan, was revealed to be living in the US. However, he spoke over and over about how much he hates the US. He entered the cast and caused a huge amount of turmoil.

He promoted a website chock full of "statistics" about how awful Israel is to the Palestinians, as well as a youtube video. We asked him about the source of his statistics, but he was unable or unwilling to say where the statistics came from. An Iraqi medical doctor examined the statistics, and found several lies and inconsistencies. The dates were wrong, and the information was not present in the links. When this was exposed, he immediately attacked the Iraqi for the condition of children in Iraq.

I watched the video, and a lot of the claims in it did not ring true. He was asked about the peace agreement. He did not know. He was asked about the peace movement for Palestinians; he said he did not care and he did not want to know. He was asked about the recent rocket attacks in Israel from Palestine against the kindergarden and against the recruits. He said he had not heard, making it clear he does not pay attention at all to the news of the country he claims is so important to him. Hmm....

Then my "friend" who called me a "fucking CIA pig" came in to say there should be no peace in Israel and Palestine, but "justice" instead (of course, I have been around the mulberry bush with him before when he declined to define justice). He claimed that he had not read any of the recent peace agreements. He refused to answer any questions. He wanted to attack the host for asking if someone was interested in peace, since he was more interested in justice, not peace. He claimed that everyone talking to him was engaging in juvenile debating tricks. He wanted to just lecture and not answer questions or explain himself. He wanted to bully everyone into staying quiet and threw tantrums when others asked him question.

He claimed that the Israelis stole the land from the Palestinians. However, this opened up the question about who was in the land of Israel first. A huge battle ensued, and he refused to answer any questions, and he then claimed the question was irrelevant. He claimed that everyone else was being childish, but he also engaged in almost identical tactics. When asked about the validity of Jewish purchases of Palestinian land, he waffled and then claimed the Palestinians were illegally forced to sell their land under duress.

I confronted him about calling me a "fucking CIA pig", and of course he denied it. Now that I have heard him deny saying other things over and over, I am starting to realize his game. He figures as long as there is no recording, he can claim it never happened. I am sure that even if I had a recording, he would claim it was faked, since this is what he has claimed about the Bin Laden videos and fatwahs. Oh yes, I guess those are ALL faked. Ah yes, such a reliable person, and someone who inspires such confidence in his trustworthiness...

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