Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A suicide bomber in training

Today in Skypeland I think I had a unique experience. I met a young man who is getting a bachelor's degree in Physics from a university in Tunis, and has 8 months to go before he gets his degree. He did not speak English very well so we spoke in French.

He believes that 9/11 never happened and it was just a movie. He told me that there is no such thing as al Qaeda and never was. He believes that the USA is in Afghanistan to steal their oil. Later he corrected that to say he believes the USA just wants to put a pipeline from the Caspian Sea across Afghanistan. Interestingly, it was the Taliban that signed the contract for such a pipeline in 1998 but internal civil war prevented this contract from being fulfilled:

He is positive that the USA was plotting for 50 years to steal the oil of Iraq, having some secret long term plan to do so. He believes that the US went to Somalia to steal their oil. I seem to remember it was to combat the local warlords who were preventing Red Cross/Red Crescent and UN aid vehicles with food from reaching the starving Muslims-silly me:
He believes that the US went to Yugoslavia to steal their oil. He believes that the US is causing the genocide in Darfour by stealing their oil.

He believes all Muslims must follow Sharia law and that the hijab is necessary under Sharia law, although he thinks Turkey is a good country, in spite of the fact that many there do not wear hijab. Turkey is the one foreign country he has ever visited.

He told me that Israel's Mossad, the KGB from the UK and the CIA from the USA had caused the Shiites and the Sunnis to fight in Iraq. He told me that these groups were brothers and would never fight each other. Funny, they seem to have fought everyplace they encountered each other for centuries, in Pakistan, and Bahrain and Saudi Arabia and Syria and Iran and Yemen etc:
In addition, it does not take very long for most conversations with shia or sunni to devolve into a discussion how the members of the other major Islamic sect are Kafirs, or infidels, or nonMuslims, etc. A discussion with a young Iranian man in a cast lead to others calling out that Iranians are not Muslims etc. Now does that sound like they are all brothers?

I asked the young Tunisian what his plans were after graduation. He said he wanted to go to Iraq or Afghanistan to fight Americans or become a suicide bomber. I asked him if he thought he would do any good in Iraq or Afghanistan by going there and doing that. He said of course he would. He was shocked I would even ask. He said he would be happy and his life would be complete if he killed just one American. I asked him where he got his information and he said Al Jazeera, newspapers and the Hamas and Hizbollah television channels.

I was not particularly happy at hearing this and I lost my cool at this point, I am sorry to say. I asked him what would he think if Americans said the same thing about Tunisians. He was a bit surprised when I said that, as if he never thought that would be asked. I asked him if he thought it was fair and just to make a threat like that. He had no response. I asked him what he would think if Americans wanted to kill many Tunisians, including his mother and sister and father. No response. I asked him if he thought it was fair. No response. Somehow these Muslims that think nothing of threatening to kill me, or kill my family, or kill Americans, believe they can do it with impunity. They seem to never have considered the fact that if they threaten to kill members of some other group, this group might respond by returning the favor and making the same threat in return. Not thinking ahead too far, I guess...

I started to get annoyed, so I asked if he would like to have his penis cut off and stuck in his mouth. No response. Then I told him that clearly Islam was not a religion of peace but a religion of death, and he had proved it. I thanked him. He logged off at this point.

He then sent me a few more messages:

[8:53:18 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: DEATH FOR (flag:us)
[8:54:32 AM] Bob in MD says: it is not will waste your life...the Iraqi people do not want you to come
[8:54:45 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: really
[8:54:49 AM] Bob in MD says: I am sorry to tell you this...I hope you do not decide to kill others or kill yourself
[8:55:04 AM] Bob in MD says: talk to iraqis in the casts....I will introduce you to some if you want
[8:55:08 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: i will kill 10000 marines
[8:56:03 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: he is a dog like his and ur president
[8:56:33 AM] Bob in MD says: very sad for a religion of peace
[8:56:52 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: not of peace donkey
[8:57:14 AM] Bob in MD says: haha...clearly Islam is not a religion of peace...but a religion of death and terror and evil
[8:57:24 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: peace with ppl not with animals
[8:57:28 AM] Bob in MD says: i am very sad that you have chosen this path
[8:57:33 AM] Bob in MD says: you are sick
[8:57:38 AM] Bob in MD says: and I hope you get help
[8:58:15 AM] محمد امين chtourou says: no time to lose ignorants

He followed up with a message to a Japanese friend that was in the discussion:

[22:08:15] محمد امين chtourou says: TELL UR US FRIEND THAT HE IS AN ANIMAL

I tried to keep my cool, but I just was unable...I would have told him far worse if the conversation was in English, but my French is not that good. But I think I got my point across...

Addendum: Here is a link from a newspaper story about suicide bombers:

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