Monday, September 10, 2007

Suicide bombers are suicide bombers

One person who loves to lecture others with misinformation in Skypeland interrupted a cast with very important information. What was this information? "I think that suicide bombers are suicide bombers." This was after him telling us that Buddhism is older than Judaism, being 6000 years old. Strange considering Buddhism dates from the 6th century BCE:

Then he said that there was a US government program to put microwave "pylons" in all US high schools to make them military targets during the Cold War. I asked for a reference, but he did not produce one. I tried to find this even on a "conspiracy" website someplace on the internet, but I was not successful. Hmm...I guess I just heard a new conspiracy.

He also claimed that Israel always started wars. Someone said that Israel should give up as much as possible to get peace. So I pushed it to an extreme; I asked if all Israelis should commit suicide then. He agreed that this was okay.

Someone chimed in that Jews stuck together. One said that they are "no less better than gangsters".

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