Monday, September 10, 2007

95% of all schools

One great genius in Skypeland became incensed when an Englishman advised an Iraqi not to allow religion in the Iraqi schools. He really did not seem to understand that just curing this situation in Iraq would not solve the problem in neighboring countries, which are the source of most of the suicide bombers in Iraq.

At this suggestion, an American immediately became irate and said that the US would never have been founded if this principle was applied and that it would not be allowed to have "In God we Trust" on its currency. Wow, a live one I thought...

He then made the impressive claim that 95% of all schools ever founded in the entire world were created by Christians and Jews. Wow... I did not know that almost all the schools in China and India and the Muslim World were founded by Christians and Jews. Interesting. I asked for evidence, and he just said it was obvious, and was unable to produce any. Ah...I see... (It is interesting that the two oldest universities in the world that are still operating are Muslim schools:
and there are lots of rumors about Jewish and/or Christian involvement in the destruction of the libraries at Alexandria:
although no one knows for sure, and there are rumors that the Muslims might have had a hand in it too).

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