Friday, September 14, 2007

You are not a Jew!

All kinds of internal confusion and disagreement within various societies is revealed in Skypeland. One fervent right wing Israeli has attacked other Israelis who advocate for peace and human rights for Palestinians runs a frequent cast. He commonly will charge that those who want to live in peace with their neighbors are not real Jews, or real Israelis, or are covert Muslims or Arabs. I have heard similar evidence of internal disagreement from the African Americans in Skypeland, as well as the Iraqis, the Muslims, members of the US military, US citizens, UK citizens, the Moroccans, etc. One even gets to hear about internal political disagreements among the Chinese and the Japanese.

And amazingly, some seem to think this is unexpected. I would love to know which groups have no internal dissension among the members of the group. This is a surprise to anyone?

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