Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Book of nature

In one of the regular religious casts in Skypeland, a fervert "true believer" wanted to make the point that one should only listen to what God says in the bible (of course, only one particular version of the bible is trustworthy to people like this, and there is no discussion of books left out or mistakenly left in, translation problems, transcription mistakes, errata, contradictions, disagreements over interpretation, etc). I asked should we not know God from nature. He said he had never heard of the book of nature, that it does not come from God, and it should be rejected in favor of the bible. I pointed out that it was a standard thing for centuries for clerics to study God through his works, the so-called "book of nature" and said he should know about it. He said he did not and indicated he did not care about it (This has been known about and discussed since at least the 3rd century:
and was described by both St. Augustine and Galileo).

I said where does nature come from, if not from God? Does it come from the devil? He lamely said that of course God created everything, but we should ignore what is in nature in favor of the bible. Ah...

At this, he shut off my microphone and I decided it was not worthwhile to listen to braindead lectures from someone with an IQ of about 80, and no more than a high school education. It is awful when people feel that they are ordered to be stupid and ignorant by God, isn't it? And even more worse that God has commanded them to force others to be similarly stupid and ignorant. And they feel that they are serving God when they spit in His face, over and over, and ignore what is all around them in favor of some error-ridden dusty book. Wow...people sure are gullible and idiotic. And proud of themselves for it, too.

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