Sunday, October 28, 2007

The most hated person on Skype

A friend told me that she had decided that I am the most hated person in Skypeland. People that I had never talked to were telling her that I am flagging all the casts, or that I hate all Muslims etc.

This is pretty funny considering my own viewpoints, and the fact that I only flag truely inappropriate casts about pornography or hacking. My position is that people should tolerate other religions and beliefs and cultures. However, anyone who suggests attacking others because of their background will find I am not very accommodating.

This goes double for those who say they want to kill group A or B because they have a different religion or come from a different ethnic background or culture or who have a different sexual orientation. I just do not feel I have to tolerate this sort of hate speech and I will speak out against it. If this makes me hated, then I guess that is how things will be. I invite anyone who "hates" me based on my views to examine their own views...

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