Monday, October 1, 2007

Equality of Stupidity

After a bit of sampling in Skypeland, one can start to see patterns emerging. One thing I have noticed, after talking to many hundreds, if not thousands, of people, is that no one group or country has a monopoly on stupidity. It does not matter where a person is from; which religious group, racial group, which country or part of the world. All and I mean all groups and countries from all over the world contain people that are uneducated, confused, deranged, stupid, drunk, intelligent, tolerant, blindly religious, prejudiced, etc. The pattern that seems to emerge is that things are fairly uniform. I have talked to drunk Americans, Saudis, Moroccans, Irish, English, Africans, Indians, Germans, Swedes, and Australians. I have talked to completely ignorant and sadly uneducated people from all groups. I have also met pleasant and reasonable people from every group and country.

While one hears assorted claims about "national character" or other generalizations, it is not so easy to see evidence of this when visiting Skypeland. In spite of all the efforts of the media and assorted religious authorities, the statistical properties of these different groups seem to be only subtly different. No matter whatever generalization you might choose, you can find exceptions in fairly short order.

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