Sunday, October 7, 2007

Serbia and Bosnia

In one room in Skypeland, we had a pair of people come to visit from Serbia and Bosnia; they arrived within seconds of each other. They immediately got in a fight, with the Serbian calling the Bosnian a "fucking Muslim piece of shit". We quickly separated them so I could interview the Serbian.

The Serbian said that the US was making a mess of the world, since no one can be forced to have a democracy. I asked if the US had not managed to create democracies in Japan and Germany. The Serbian denied that Germany and Japan were democracies, and said that I did not know what was going on. When I asked him what was going on, he declined to say (This is always a sign of some deep wisdom, knowledge and insight, don't you think?).

I asked the Serbian what he thought about the situation in Serbia, and asked him if he thought it was better thanks to American intervention. The Serbian said it was worse. The Serbian said there was no peace in Serbia and never would be because of the Americans trying to create a peaceful situation there (Interesting. My impression is that things have been peaceful there for years, thanks to the American efforts.). The Serbian was so upset at these questions that he left the cast.

Then we moved up the Bosnian, who was fuming. The Bosnian said, "The Serbian attitude is, democracy is not working so we will have genocide." The Bosnian expressed his deep gratitude for what the Americans had done to save his people from the Serbians. The Bosnian said he really respected the United States for sacrificing so much to help his people, and now attempting to spread democracy in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bosnian told us about the amazingly hate-filled propaganda that Serbian society had been exposed to for years, that he felt lead them to have such attitudes.

Then we had a huge rush of other people into the room, including a drunk woman who claimed, "I wanna talk about religion. I wanna know why God gave me such huge tits." It took a little while to get things focused back on political discussions after this comment...

Addendum: I have since found out that one of the major spurs to war in the former Yugoslavia was the incident associated with Serbian farmer Djordje Martinović who was allegedly engaged in masturbation when he was discovered with a broken beer bottle shoved up his rectum. This reminds me a bit of the War of Jenkins' Ear...

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