Thursday, October 11, 2007

Notice a pattern?

Having visited Skypeland for about 18 months at this point, and been in Skypeland fairly intensively for the last 6 months, I have noticed an interesting pattern. Although I have been in many controversial casts with Jews, Christians, Atheists, Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims I have never been threatened with death one time by any Jew, Christian, Atheist, Hindu or Buddhist. However, I have been threatened with death by Muslims maybe two or three hundred times. In addition, dozens and dozens of Muslims have declared an interest in destroying all of the West, all Jews, all Christians, all Americans, etc.

So, which one is the religion of peace again?

Here is a link to an interesting article that came out today about a new proposal from some Muslim leaders:'Make%20peace%20with%20us%20or%20survival%20of%20world%20is%20at%20stake'/
Note the comments to the article. I guess I think it is a great gesture, but it is more a question of needing to "practice what you preach". After all, actions speak louder than words. If the religious leaders in Islam were not pushing constantly for holy war against the West/Christians/Infidel etc then there might not be so much of a problem. Of course, they will always drag out Israel as a terrible example of how the West is and why all Americans/Christians/Jews/Westerners should be killed. However, this is a bit more complicated than they like to present. I am in favor of trying to improve the lives of the Palestinians, but the actions of the Muslim clerics over the last few decades seems to have contributed in a very negative way to their present condition.

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