Sunday, October 7, 2007

Cast Follies

Part of what keeps things interesting in Skypeland is the instability of the system. The software often fails in various ways, and people are unable to enter the skypecasts, or to manage their own skypecasts or to log into skype. If you look at a list of Skypecasts, and see that every Skypecast has only 2 people in it, or that no Skypecast has a single person in it, you know there are problems.

Compounding this, is the tendency for visitors to Skypeland to flag each other's Skypecasts to get them removed. People will claim the most benign and innocuous Skypecasts are offensive to get them removed from the listing of Skypecasts. For example, anti-Americans will flag any Skypecast about the USA. People who dislike Arabs will flag any Arabic Skypecast. People against Israel will flag any Skypecast about Israel or Peace in the Middle East or even hosted by an Israeli. People who dislike homosexuals will flag any Skypecast about homosexuals. Of course, there are lots of Skypecasts that really are offensive, with crude titles, as well. (see my blog article on "Outrageous Titles")

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