Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Skypecasts are a magnet for idiots

Talking to a friend from Japan and another from China in Skypeland, we started musing about the strange conversations and assorted nuts we have encountered in Skypeland. It is hard to imagine that it is a representative sample, and that it is not skewed in some way, but perhaps it is. My friend from Japan said, in his opinion, "Skypecasts are a magnet for idiots".

He recounted a story of a Muslim we know who claimed to him that Buddhism is inferior to Islam since Buddhism is a man-made religion, whereas Islam comes straight from God, and he can prove it (although of course no proof is ever forthcoming).

The Chinese lady turned out to be incredibly and unusually well-informed, having read lots of "forbidden" websites because of her internet savvy. It was very refreshing, since almost none of the Chinese people that I have talked to seem to have much of an idea of Chinese history, or the views of the outside world about China. It does tell me what is in store for China if current trends continue; it will be almost impossible for the Chinese government to continue to keep their population in the dark, as Chinese society is penetrated more and more by modern technology.

Here are examples of websites the Chinese lady recommends to learn about modern China:

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