Sunday, October 28, 2007

Controversial statement

Over and over in religious casts in Skypeland, I am amazed at how controversial a simple reasonable statement I make turns out to be. I advocate allowing Buddhists believe in Buddhism if they want, and Hindus believe in Hinduism if they want, and Muslims believe in Islam if they want and Christians believe in Christianity if they want and Jews believe in Judaism if they want, etc. I believe in live and let live. I believe in the Moslem dictum "There is no compulsion in religion". I believe in the Golden Rule (love they neighbor as thyself). I do not think anyone should be trying to force others to believe what they personally believe, or to change other's religions or should be attacking others for their religions. And this goes not only for major religions, but different sects or denominations; no Sunni should be trying to attack or convert Shia for example. Sunni and Shia should not be looking down on Sufis. Orthodox Jews should not look down on Reform Jews and vice versa. Other Christians should not be condemning Catholics. And so on and so forth.

This turns out to be one of the most controversial positions I could ever take. People love to use religion as an excuse to hate others, to attack them, to try to change their beliefs, etc. This gets people really hot under the collar. What is wrong with letting people believe what they want? Why is forcing one's personal religious beliefs on others such a deep-seated desire?

I listened to a sermon by "Brother Harold Camping" of Family Radio who gave an amazing "bible-based" argument for why the Golden Rule is not good for Christians to follow. He preached that "loving your neighbor as yourself" was bad theology and bad Christianity, and that God wants us to hate most other people. Wow...people just love to hate, don't they?

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